The second floor of the Wada house

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2階に上る階段 2階の床に設けられた簀子 2階の簀子から1階の囲炉裏、火天(ひあま)を見る

(左)1階から2階への階段 【目録】
(Left) The stairs leading up from the first floor to the second floor
(中)2階床に設けられた簀の子 【目録】
(Middle) The slatted floor boards of the second
(右)簀の子の隙間から見える1階の囲炉裏 【目録】
(Right) The hearth on the first floor can be seen from the openings between the slatted floor boards

 There is no partition on the second floor which was used fully as a storage place for the silkworms and household tools. It was also an important space to store harvested crops during winter seasons.
 The specific feature of the second floor is that, in parts, the floor is a combination of slatted wood and bamboo. It is not boarded. Especially, just above the hearth on the first floor, this type of construction is an excellent way to distribute smoke and warm air from the hearth to the whole of the second floor. Smoke plays the role of insect-repellent to prevent insects from infiltrating the thatched roof. The soot also keeps the bamboo, and thatch strong.
火天(ひあま)  囲炉裏の真上に設けられた火天(ひあま) 火の粉が直接天井や2階に舞い上がらないようにする効果があります。
 Hiama – which is set just above the hearth on the first floor blocks sparks of fire shooting up to the ceiling and the second floor.
1階の囲炉裏上方の梁  囲炉裏で発生する煙は上昇して2階より上まで行き渡ります。
 Smoke from the hearth rises to the second floor and the upper area of the house.