Fire Prevention Initiatives

35 ~ 37 / 53ページ
白川村全域で行われる消防訓練における放水の様子 【目録】
During firefighting training water is discharged from fire hydrants all over Shirakawa Village

 Gassho-style houses in Shirakawa-go are constructed of straw roofs and other burnable materials like timber. Therefore, the villagers pay close attention to fire prevention. Furthermore, instructions are set up at various places in order that visitors from outside may also pay attention to fire prevention.
 Discharge facilities (Water guns) are set up for fire protection, and firefighting training is held with the entire village before the dry season.
村内の各所に設置された防火装置から放出されている様子 【目録】
Showing water spouting from a fire hydrant in the village
和田家前での放水の様子 【目録】
Discharging water from the fire hydrant in front of the Wada House
放水銃 和田家に設置されている放水銃
An inspection of water guns installed at various strategic points.
白川村の防火訓練2 村で一斉に行われる防火訓練 【目録】
A community fire truck during fire drill
火災予防の警告パネル 見学者への防火についてのお願い 【目録】
A notice for visitors about fire prevention
“Please pay attention to fire prevention because it is an important World Heritage site. A fire drill conducted within simultaneously throughout the village.”