Overview of Higashihiroshima City

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1 Population (number of people) and area of Higashihiroshima City
Town nameNumber of people (persons)Approximate area
Saijo Cho 74,15395
Hachihonmatsu Cho 28,37455
Shiwa Cho 6,92571
Takaya Cho 30,61067
Kurose Cho22,96564
Fukutomi Cho 2,51461
Toyosaka Cho 3,48273
Kochi Cho 6,14585
Akitsu Cho 10,24765
Higashihiroshima City 185,415636
(As of January 2016, according to Higashihiroshima City Hall)

Which towns have big populations?

A big town does not necessarily seem to have a big population.


2 Temperature and precipitation in Higashihiroshima City (averages from between 2010–2014)
(According to Higashihiroshima City Hall)(According to Higashihiroshima City Hall)

Let’s compare each town in Higashihiroshima City, and compare Higashihiroshima City with other cities. We will be able learn their differences.