<Industries in Hachihonmatsu Cho>

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Industrial parks
Yoshikawa District Industrial Park, Isomatsu Industrial Park, and Taguchi District Research Park are located in Hachihonmatsu. Each industrial park is home to over 10 companies. They conduct research on manufacturing, or produce various products and ship them across Japan by train or highway.
One of them makes semiconductors that are used in mobile phones and computers. This company is the 5th largest producer of semiconductors in the world.
Each company makes various efforts to protect the environment.

Semiconductor manufacturing company

Why are there many industrial parks in Higashihiroshima City?

Rice cultivation
There are rice fields in Hara District and Yoshikawa District. Various kinds of rice including Koshihikari and Akiroman are cultivated in these fields. Water needed for rice cultivation is drawn from rivers and ponds. There are three rivers and numerous big ponds such as Himegaike Pond. The abundance of water is one of the reasons that rice cultivation flourished.

Apart from rice, farmers also grow vegetables like green onions and asparagus.
Let’s interview them.