(2)Participating in traditional events

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There are many traditional events in Higashihiroshima City.

Shiwa Cho Shiwahori District “Fukihayashi”

Toyosaka Cho Yoshiwara District “Yoshiwara Shingi”

Takaya Cho  Takayahigashi District “Children’s Kabuki”

Saijo Cho Saijo District “Bon Dance”

Kochi Cho “Chikurin-ji Flower Festival”

Akitsu Cho Mitsu District “Gion Festival”

There are many traditional events. Let’s learn about events in our community.

Annual local events
(first shrine visit of the year)
People visit shrines on the first day of the New Year to pray for health and peace for the year.
TondoTouching the smoke from fire is said to protect the person from sickness and injury for the year.
Bon Festival DancePeople dance to welcome the souls of their ancestors during the Bon Festival.
Autumn FestivalBoth adults and children carry mikoshi (portable shrine) and dance to kagura (sacred music and dance) to thank their gods for an abundant harvest.

【How to make a tondo 】

①Cut bamboo and trees from the mountain.

③Put large, long bamboo in the center and make the tondo frame.

④Lay bamboo around horizontally and secure the frame with ropes.

②Gather bamboo in a field.

⑤Lay bamboo and wood on the first layer.

⑥Lay bamboo and wood on the second layer.

⑦The tondo is complete.
The form varies by region.