(1)Waste disposal and use

69 ~ 72 / 128ページ

How to dispose waste
 Have you ever seen the chart “Household Waste Disposal Method,” distributed to each household by Higashihiroshima City?
 Higashihiroshima City collects waste on specific days according to the type of waste (separate collection).

Separate collection

Why is the waste collected separately by type?

Each household places the waste in a nearby waste collection station according to the rules. The waste is then collected by waste collection vehicles (packer cars).

Waste collection station

Where does the waste collected by waste collection vehicles go, and what happens to it? Let’s find out.

Where does the waste go?
Combustible waste collected in Higashihiroshima City is brought to Kamo Environmental Hygiene Center in Saijo Cho and incinerated. Non-combustible waste is brought to Kamo Environmental Center in Kurose Cho and buried or recycled.

Write down what you learn from the “Waste treatment in Higashihiroshima City” table.

Amount of waste we produce
Higashihiroshima City produces about 67,000 tons of waste every year. This means each person produces about 1 kg of waste every day.
Write down what you learn from the following graph.

【For teachers】
※The population is according to Higashihiroshima City Basic Resident Register. The revision of Basic Resident Register Act in July 2012 abolished the Foreign Resident Registration System, so the 2012 number includes foreign residents. To compare under the same conditions, the number of registered foreign residents was added to the values of 2007–2011.


Why does the amount of waste increase or decrease?

Reducing waste
 If the amount of waste continues to increase every year, it will cause a number of problems.
 The 3Rs are promoted to reduce waste.
 The 3Rs mean the following three things.
ReduceReduce the amount of waste. Say “no” to plastic shopping bags and carry a reusable bag.
(Reduce)(Do not buy unnecessary things, etc.)
ReuseUse things again and again.
RecycleConvert used objects to raw materials and make new products.
(Recycle )

There are many initiatives to reduce waste. We should recycle things we don’t need anymore.

The 3Rs help us save limited natural resources. Let’s think about what we can do in our everyday life.
I can...