〔(7)Hiroshima Prefecture connected to the world 〕

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Hiroshima Prefecture is connected to many countries. It has friendship agreements with Sichuan Province in China, and the State of Hawaii in the United States of America.
 Hiroshima Prefecture also has flourishing imports, which means it buys things from abroad, and exports, which means it sells things abroad.
Percentage of exports by region (total 2.1944 trillion yen)
Imports by region (total 1.2786 trillion yen)
Trade in Hiroshima Prefecture (2014)
Data: Overseas Business Division, Hiroshima Prefecture “Trade in Hiroshima Prefecture”

Trivia  【Factories connected to the world】
Many factories in Hiroshima Prefecture manufacture goods with materials from abroad, or sell manufactured products to other countries.
Such factories exist in Higashihiroshima City too.One of them sells its products to 140 countries and is known as the world’s top producer in its industry. Some companies build factories abroad and make products there as well.

The number of foreign tourists is increasing every year. While tourists from Asian countries are increasing in Japan, American tourists are particularly numerous in Hiroshima Prefecture.
Hiroshima Airport, connected to other regions
Hiroshima Airport is located in Hongo Cho, Mihara City, next to Kochi Cho, Higashihiroshima City. From Hiroshima Airport, you can go to other parts of Japan and abroad. There are domestic flights to and from Haneda, Narita, Shin Chitose, Sendai, and Naha. The 1-hour 15-minute route to and from Haneda Airport in Tokyo is the most frequented. It is used by many people for business and travel.
 For international flights, there are regular flights to Seoul (South Korea), Shanghai (China), Dalian (China), Beijing (China), Chengdu (China), Taipei (Taiwan), and Hong Kong (China) (as of March 2016).
Where can we go from Hiroshima Airport?

Destinations from Hiroshima Airport
(Courtesy of Airport Promotion Division, Hiroshima Prefecture)

Hiroshima’s gateway to the sky — Hiroshima Airport —

Hiroshima’s gateway to the sea is Hiroshima Port.
You cannot go abroad from Hiroshima Port, but you can go to Ehime Prefecture and the islands in the Seto Inland Sea by ship.