Various Schools Including Tokyo College of Commerce (present Hitotsubashi University) Founded Rugby Teams

After 1920, various schools including the following founded their own rugby teams: Rikkyo University, Daiichi High School, Tokyo Higher Normal School (reorganized as Tokyo University of Education, present University of Tsukuba), Seikei High School, Hosei University, Tokyo College of Commerse (present Hitotsubashi University), Chuo University, Aoyama Gakuin University, Daini High School, Kyoto Junior High School, Ritsumeikan Junior High School, Kyoto Daisan Junior High School, Tennoji Junior High School, Kitano Junior High School, Osaka College of Commerce (present Osaka City University), Osaka High School, Kansai University, Kansai Gakuin University, Kobe College of Commerce, Osaka University of Foreign Studies, Konan High School, and Fukuoka Junior High School in Kyushu. These developments served as a foundation for holding a variety of rugby championships and tournaments.