Town Artisans: Caster

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Tanaka Shichiemon Tomotsugu, under the trade name of Kamashichi, opened up a foundry in Shibata-cho in 1640. Until he moved to Fukagawa Ojima-mura in 1658, Kamashichi devoted himself to the metalworking of pots and pans here. 10 years on from when Kamashichi started up his foundry business, Ota Masatsugu (Kamaroku)was called to Edo to engage in the metalworking of pots and pans under Kamashichi. Pots and pans worked by Kamashichi and Kamaroku became famous products representative of Edo, and Kamaroku was also engaged as a metalworker for the copper lanterns dedicated by feudal lords and others to the mausoleum of the Tokugawa Shogun family. The skill of craftspeople such as these formed the basis of the “Manufacturing Giant: Japan” that followed.