発行にあたって | About This Publication | |
つながる瑞穂 | Mizuho Connecting | 2 |
みらいに つながる ずっと つながる そして ほこれるまちとなる | Becoming a Town to be Proud of with Connections Far Into the Future | 4 |
瑞穂町イラストマップ | Illustrated Map of Mizuho | 6 |
人が繋がる | People Connecting | |
住民のコミュニテイ意識の醸成 | Building the Community Awareness of Residents | 10 |
スポーツやレクリエーションで住民を元気に | Healthy Residents Through Sports and Recreation | 12 |
防災への取り組みと交通安全指導 | Disaster Prevention Efforts and Traffic Safety Guidance | 14 |
国際交流 | International Friendship | 16 |
時が繋がる | The Times Connecting | |
瑞穂の歴史(縄文時代~中世) | The History of Mizuho (Jomon Period - Middle Ages) | 20 |
瑞穂の歴史(近代) | The History of Mizuho (Modern Era) | 22 |
道が繋がる | Roads Connecting | |
街道と鉄道が交錯する要衝の町 | A Strategic Town Where Roads and Railways Intersect | 25 |
くらしが繋がる | Life Connecting | |
農業 | Agriculture | 28 |
特産品 | Specialties | 30 |
商業・工業 | Commerce and Industry | 32 |
高齢者を皆でささえ、健やかに暮らせるまちをつくる | Supporting the Elderly Together and Creating a Town Where Everyone Can Live a Healthy Life | 34 |
子育て環境と教育の充実を目指す | Aiming to Enhance the Child Rearing-Environment and Education | 36 |
緑が繋がる | Greenery Connecting | |
環境にやさしいまちづくり | Creating an Environmentally Friendly Town | 40 |
瑞穂町に凄む生きもの | The Wildlife of Mizuho Town | 42 |
植生の保全 | Vegetation Conservation | 44 |
緑の回廊 | Green Corridor | 46 |
未来に繋がる | The Future Connecting | |
住民のための行政と議会 | Administration and an Assembly for the Residents | 50 |
名誉町民 | Honorary Townspeople | 52 |
瑞穂町の花・木・鳥 | The Mizuho Town Flower, Tree, and Bird | 53 |
資料 | Material | 54 |
瑞穂町歌 | Mizuho Town Song | 64 |