
 / 63ページ
発行にあたってAbout This Publication
つながる瑞穂Mizuho Connecting2
みらいに つながる ずっと つながる そして ほこれるまちとなるBecoming a Town to be Proud of with Connections Far Into the Future 4
瑞穂町イラストマップIllustrated Map of Mizuho6
人が繋がるPeople Connecting
住民のコミュニテイ意識の醸成Building the Community Awareness of Residents10
スポーツやレクリエーションで住民を元気にHealthy Residents Through Sports and Recreation12
防災への取り組みと交通安全指導Disaster Prevention Efforts and Traffic Safety Guidance14
国際交流International Friendship16
時が繋がるThe Times Connecting
瑞穂の歴史(縄文時代~中世)The History of Mizuho (Jomon Period - Middle Ages)20
瑞穂の歴史(近代)The History of Mizuho (Modern Era)22
道が繋がるRoads Connecting
街道と鉄道が交錯する要衝の町A Strategic Town Where Roads and Railways Intersect25
くらしが繋がるLife Connecting
商業・工業Commerce and Industry32
高齢者を皆でささえ、健やかに暮らせるまちをつくるSupporting the Elderly Together and Creating a Town Where Everyone Can Live a Healthy Life34
子育て環境と教育の充実を目指すAiming to Enhance the Child Rearing-Environment and Education36
緑が繋がるGreenery Connecting
環境にやさしいまちづくりCreating an Environmentally Friendly Town40
瑞穂町に凄む生きものThe Wildlife of Mizuho Town42
植生の保全Vegetation Conservation44
緑の回廊Green Corridor46
未来に繋がるThe Future Connecting
住民のための行政と議会Administration and an Assembly for the Residents50
名誉町民Honorary Townspeople52
瑞穂町の花・木・鳥The Mizuho Town Flower, Tree, and Bird53
瑞穂町歌Mizuho Town Song64