産業 農業 農業Agriculture

28 ~ 29 / 63ページ
Along with growing tea, various kinds of other agriculture such as floriculture and raising vegetables and livestock are practiced systematically and comprehensively so that Mizuho can supply safe, delicious, and fresh agricultural products.

農地は生産の場だけでなく美しい景観と防災機能など多面的な役割をもつAgricultural Tracts: Multifaceted Roles, Including Disaster Preparedness and the Preservation of Lovely Scenery

 瑞穂町では市街化調整区域936ヘクタールのうち187ヘクタールが農用地で、周辺には優良な農地が広がり、農家戸数も多摩地域で5番目に位置します。町ではこれまで「やすらぎと潤いのある、美しい瑞穂の環境づくり」をめざして、安全で美味しく、さらに新鮮な農作物の供給に努めてきました。これからも意欲ある若い世代を対象に、次代の農業の担い手を育成し、地域ぐるみで農業を変革する意識の醸成と、これらの取り組みを支援していきます。 Agriculture takes place on 187 of the 936 hectares of the urban area that Mizuho oversees. Excellent agricultural tracts are found throughout the area, and the town has the fifth highest number of farm households in the Tama region. Mizuho has endeavored to create a tranquil, pleasant, and beautiful environment and to supply safe, delicious, and fresh agricultural products. We support efforts to train enthusiastic young people who will be responsible for agriculture during the next generation and to foster recognition within the community of the need to update agricultural methods.
 また、多くの町民が耕作を希望している町民農園や体験農園の充実を行うなど、観光面とも連携した地域活性化につながる多方面にわたった農業振興も行っています。買い物客でにぎわっている農畜産物直売所「ふれっしゅはうす」は、生産者と消費者がお互いに顔を合わせることができる身近な直売所として、毎日多くの新鮮な農畜産物を供給しています。 Our multifaceted promotion of agriculture―such as links to community revitalization and tourism―includes the establishment of additional agricultural plots for resident use, which many town residents want to cultivate, as well as farms for hands-on agricultural programs. Fresh House, a market that bustles with shoppers, brings producers and consumers together and supplies fresh agricultural and livestock products daily.
 こうした農畜産物直売所や町民農園の開設により、地産地消の場、農業との触れ合いの場を提供。消費者ニーズに対応した商品開発や最新技術の導入により、都市近郊農業の活性化を図り、景観や防災の役割もある農地の保全に努めています。Establishing this type of direct sales outlet for farm products and various kinds of farm plots for town residents provides opportunities for local consumption of local produce and to practice agriculture. Developing products that meet consumer needs and adopting the latest technology are part of efforts to revitalize agriculture in Tokyo's suburbs. We are also striving to preserve agricultural land for its additional roles in beautification and disaster preparedness.

Tea harvest scene
Tokyo Sayama Tea buds
Tea ceremony held by the children at Sumire Nursery

瑞穂農芸高校では、実習を中心とした農畜産業教育が行われていますMizuho Agricultural High School offers education in the agriculture and livestock industries, mainly through practical training.

Caring for the cows

Meat processing
Harvesting vegetables
Reaping rice in the paddy behind No. 5 Elementary School
Planting seminar held by members of the Agriculture Committee