主要幹線道路網が充実し、立地条件が良いという地域特性を持つ瑞穂町。 商工業ともに、事業所あたりの販売および出荷額が、多摩地域で高いレベルを保持しています。 |
Mizuho has a desirable location and a well-developed network of major roads. In commerce and industry alike, business establishments maintain sales and shipment volumes here that reach competitively high levels within the Tama region. |
交通の便利な地域特性を活かし、産業の振興、雇用創出など地域の活性化をはかります | Mizuho Takes Advantage of Convenient Transport to Activate Communities, Promote Industry, and Create Employment |
周辺に大規模な消費圏をもち、圏央道や国道16号、新青梅街道などの幹線道路が東西南北へと結ばれている瑞穂町。大規模な工場や広い駐車場を備えたショッピングモールが進出するための好立地条件を備えています。産業が活性化するための立地条件が良いという地域特性は、町の財産のひとつでもあります。企業誘致奨励制度を導入するなどして、新たな優良企業誘致の推進をはかり、雇用を創出する一方で、進出の際には、近隣の住環境に配慮するよう協力を求めています。 | Major roads―including the Ken-0 Expressway, National Route 16, and Shin-Ome Kaido avenue―link Mizuho with all points of the compass, and there are communities full of consumers all around. The town also offers favorable sites for establishing large factories and shopping malls with big parking lots. Mizuho's good geographical characteristics make it suitable for industrial revitalization, and constitute one of our prime municipal assets. We are working to generate more employment by adopting corporate incentives programs as part of strategies to encourage leading companies to establish new ventures here, and we work hard to ensure that these businesses treat the neighboring residential environments kindly when they move in. |
また、活力と賑わいのあるまちづくりのため、消費者のニーズにあわせた魅力ある商店街づくりを支援、プレミアム付商品券の発行など、各種の緊急経済対策を行い、地域商業の活性化を図っています。大型店の進出は、既存の商店へ大きな影響を与えるため、両者の共存が課題です。町では商店街や個人店が独自の魅力で発展していけるよう支援し、今後は、商店と大型店の共存を図りながら、消費者と店主が直接触れ合う、魅力ある商店街づくりを目指していきます。 | We also take various emergency economic measures to revitalize local commerce so that the town is prosperous and full of vitality. These measures include supporting the creation of appealing shopping areas tailored to consumer needs and issuing product vouchers that offer special benefits. Big-box retailers have a large impact on existing shops when they move in, so mutual coexistence is an issue. The municipal government supports local shopping areas and individual shop owners so that they can grow based on their unique attractions. We will continue efforts to create appealing shopping areas where consumers and shop owners can interact while also promoting coexistence among shops and big retailers. |
ふれっしゅはうす Fresh House |
箱ケ崎商店街 Hakonegasaki Shopping Street |
町内の工場 A factory in the town |
活気あふれる店内 A bustling store |
大型商業施設 Large scale commercial facility |