福祉 高齢者 高齢者を皆でささえ、健やかに暮らせるまちをつくるCreating a Town Where We All Support Senior Citizens and Everyone Can Lead Healthy Lifestyles

34 ~ 35 / 63ページ
元気な高齢者が社会参加できる生きがいづくり。そして医療や介護と、それらを補完する生活支援サービスなど、高齢者の暮らしに関する総合的な環境向上を行っています。Creating a sense of purpose in life so that vigorous senior citizens can remain part of society, and working on comprehensive environmental improvements related to their lives, such as medical care, home care, and supplementary livelihood support services

地域住民がお互いに支えあい、高齢者が生きがいをもって生活できる社会A Community in Which Residents Support Each Other and Senior Citizens Lead Purposeful Lives

 瑞穂町の高齢化率は多摩地区の中では低いものの、65歳以上の人口は毎年5%前後の伸び率で増加しています。この傾向は今後さらに進展すると推測されます。また、核家族化か進み、高齢者の一人暮らしや高齢者のみの世帯が増えています。これからは家族だけではなく、地域社会全体として高齢者の生活を支援していく必要があります。各施設のバリアフリー化を進め、また、高齢者や障がい者等の方が町内福祉施設等を利用しやすくするため、無料で乗車ができる福祉バスを運行しています。 Although Mizuho's population has a low percentage of older residents compared to other towns in the Tama region, the number of those aged 65 or over has been increasing at a rate of around 5 percent each year. Estimates are that this trend will accelerate. Moreover, there are more and more nuclear families and an increasing number of households consisting of one or more senior citizens. Elderly residents will require lifestyle support not just from their families, but also from their local communities. We are continuing to make facilities barrier-free and to operate welfare buses that senior citizens and people with disabilities can ride for free to provide them with easier access to Mizuho's social welfare centers and other facilities.
 介護を必要としない元気な高齢者を増やし、高齢者が住み慣れた地域で生きがいをもって生活できることが重要です。多世代交流の促進や就労の場の提供など、シルバー人材センターの機能を強化し、社会活動への参加を促進しています。 Increasing the number of vigorous elderly who do not need home care so that they can lead purposeful lives in familiar communities is essential. We are encouraging senior citizens to participate in social activities by making the elderly human resources center more functional. More specifically, we promote intergenerational interaction and also provide older residents with employment opportunities.
瑞穂町では地域包括支援センターを設置し、高齢者の暮らしに関する総合的な事業展開を進めてきました Mizuho has established a comprehensive community support center that carries out broad-based programs related to the livelihoods of senior citizens.
 また、ボランティアによる地区ごとのサロンや高齢者福祉センター「寿楽」での各種教室など、高齢者が自主的に生きがい活動を行うことができる体制の充実に努めています。 We have also developed programs that allow seniors to engage in independent, meaningful activities. Examples include social gatherings offered by volunteers in each district and various classes at the Juraku senior citizens welfare center.

Children learn a variety of things from seniors through them playing traditional games
(seniors and children gathering)

Celebrating her 100th birthday
Furatto Machikado

Barrier-free facilities for seniors and the disabled such as multipurpose toilets, handrails, and tactile paving
(photo taken at the Fureai Center)

The Juraku Entertainment Tournament is a hit every year
高齢者福祉センター 寿楽
Juraku senior citizens welfare center
Welfare buses operate on three routes around town. Please feel free to use the buses
Feel free to stop by the Silver Machikado