植物 植生の保全Plant Protection

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貴重種も生育する周囲の自然は、町の宝です。生きものが生息しやすい環境を保全するために、啓発活動を行い、環境にやさしいまちづくりを促進しています。Mizuho's natural surroundings, where valuable species also grow, represent one of the town's treasures. We are undertaking educational efforts and promoting environmentally-friendly community development to preserve an environment conducive to the living things that dwell here.

いつまでも守りたい景観自生貴重種や巨樹を未来へ残す保護活動Preservation Efforts to Bequeath Landscapes, Valuable Native Varieties, and Giant Trees to Future Generations

 狭山丘陵のほか、町内に点在する緑は私たちの心をなごませ、町の景観に潤いを与えます。緑を保全し、後世に残すことは私たちの重要な役割です。そこには、多くの生きものも生息しています。雑木林や屋敷林は、かつて武蔵野のいたるところで見られた風景でしたが、その多くが、いつの間にか消えてしまいました。しかし、まとまった自然環境である狭山丘陵は東京都により公有地化され、保全が図られています。 The greenery interspersed through the Sayama Hills and other areas of Mizuho soothes our spirits and adds appeal to the town's scenery. Preserving this greenery and bequeathing it to future generations is an important role for us. Many living things dwell here. Thickets and groves around residences could once be seen all over the Musashino landscape, but most disappeared at some point. However, the Tokyo metropolitan government is taking steps to preserve the sizable chunk of natural environment that the Sayama Hills encompass by turning it into publicly owned land.
 町でも町内に点在する雑木林や大樹を残すため、保存樹木・樹林制度を創設し、所有者の協力のもとその保全に努めています。管理のされた雑木林では、キンランなどの貴重な植物も見られます。このほか、早春に可憐な花を咲かせるカタクリの群生地が、都市部では貴重な存在となりました。緑の基金により公有地化を図り、その保全に取り組んでいます。今後は、ボランティアなどとの協働での管理が望まれます。 Our municipal government has also established a tree and forest preservation program to protect the thickets and large trees that dot the town, engaging in these efforts with the cooperation of property owners. Golden orchids and other valuable plants can also be seen in well-maintained thickets. Stands of dogtooth violets, whose blooms make early spring in Mizuho especially lovely, are another long-treasured part of the metropolitan area's flora. Nature funds are attempting to preserve them and turn them into publicly owned properties. There are hopes that they can be jointly managed with volunteers.
 大樹では、耕心館やその隣接地のケヤキを保存しています。また、浅間神社のヒノキや福正寺のたらようの木、五輪様の柿の木などは、町の天然記念物に指定されています。 Regarding large trees, the zelkovas around the Koshinkan Hall public educational facility and the adjacent properties are being preserved. Mizuho has also designated Asama Shrine's Japanese cypresses, Fukushoji temple's tarajo holly, and the Gorinsama Shrine's persimmon tree as the town's natural monuments.

Somei-yoshino cherry blossom tree
Gooseneck loosestrife
Kanto dandelion
Golden orchid
Spotted bellflower

Tarajo Holly trees in Fukushoji Temple
Japanese cypress in Asama Shrine
Persimmon tree at Gorinsama shrine
Preserved woodland
Preserved homestead woodland