「緑の回廊」 「緑の回廊」Green Corridors

46 ~ 48 / 63ページ
Nature abounds in the Sayama Hills, Mizuho's biggest scenic resource, and at Sayama Pond.
Thanks to the booming interest in health and the outdoors in recent years, Mizuho residents and visitors from elsewhere who use trails for hiking and other purposes are on the increase.

東京に残された貴重な自然を守り、未来へ引き継ぐ水・緑と観光を繋ぐ回廊計画Green Corridor Program to Link Water and Greenery with Tourism as Part of Efforts to Pass on Tokyo's Valuable Natural Environment

 急速に宅地化か進むなかで、東京都と埼玉県の県境に位置する狭山丘陵は、豊かな自然が残る貴重なエリアです。狭山丘陵や狭山池公園などでは豊富な自然を活かした、遊歩道などの施設の整備や維持改善、設備の維持が行われています。狭山丘陵には、レンガ造りの展望塔がそびえる六道山公園があり、麓から公園までは7つの遊歩道などが整備されています。また、狭山懸橋(かけはし)の完成により、より快適な散策が可能になりました。 Although residential tract development continues at a brisk pace, nature remains in abundance in the Sayama Hills, located on the border between Tokyo and Saitama Prefecture. We are making these natural surroundings of the Sayama Hills and Sayamaike Park accessible, building trails and other types of facilities and carefully maintaining them. Rokudoyama Park, which has a tall brick observation tower, is located in the Sayama Hills, and seven trails have been laid out from the base of the hills to the park. Even more pleasant hiking is possible now that Sayama Bridge has been completed.
 このような自然環境資源や歴史的資源を互いに結び付け、来訪者の回遊性を高め、観光の振興を図るのが「水・緑と観光を繋ぐ回廊計画」です。 Our green corridor program to link water and greenery with tourism is part of our efforts to promote tourism by connecting historical resources with natural environmental resources, such as the Sayama Hills, Sayama Pond, and the Zanbori River, enabling visitors to enjoy a pleasant and nature-filled stroll.
 この計画は、平成23年度にスタートした第4次瑞穂町長期総合計画の基本目標である「魅力ある温かいみずほ」、「快適で美しいみずほ」を具体化するための構想です。心に潤いを感じる水辺や緑などの自然環境、風情を感じる歴史的環境などをつなぐ回遊ルートを形成するとともに、町内外の人々がまちに魅力と愛着を感じることのできる拠点を整備するものです。 This program is devised to turn the basic goal of the fourth Mizuho long-term master plan that began in fiscal 2011―creating a warm, appealing, comfortable, and beautiful Mizuho―a reality. Along with the creation of sightseeing routes that link historical sites and highlight the sense of atmosphere the spiritually soothing water and greenery of the natural environment embody, the program develops sites that appeal to people from Mizuho and elsewhere and inspire affection for the town.
 「水・緑と観光を繋ぐ緑の回廊計画」は、第4次瑞穂町長期総合計画の将来都市像に向けて「協働とまちへの愛着」を基本理念に展開していきます。 The green corridor program to link water resources and greenery with tourism is being carried out in accordance with our basic philosophy of working together and with affection for Mizuho to achieve our fourth long-term master plan's vision for the town's future.
[Basic Philosophy]
Town residents, businesses, and the municipal administration will work together to preserve our water and greenery, creating new connections among people and their environment to give each town resident a buoyancy of spirit and a sense of purpose so that they can lead lives full of vitality in a charming and comfortable place.
 そして、このまちに暮らす人々が自らのまちに誇りを感じながら、未来に引き継ぐことやまちを訪れる人々がこのまちに愛着を持てるように努めます。 Finally, we hope the people who live here will feel pride in their town, strive to pass its treasures along to future generations, and inspire in visitors a sense of affection for the town as well.

The fresh verdure of the Sayama Hills are ideal for walking and visited by many people every year.
The habitat of the rare dogtooth violet is protected by the town.
The completion of the Sayama Bridge connected the two promenades, allowing visitors to stroll around without having to go out on the streets.


Zanbori River
Sayamaike Park