行政と議会 住民のための行政と議会Town Council and Administration for the Behalf of Town Residents

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The town council and administration move forward one step at a time, giving full consideration to requests and suggestions from residents.
Every resident has his/her own way of thinking and doing things, but we all seek the same goal―a future in which every person feels happy to have lived in Mizuho.

[行政] [Municipal Administration]
信頼できる行政を望む住民のために For a Municipal Administration Town Residents Can Trust
 地方分権時代を迎え、町としての主体性の発揮が求められています。瑞穂町では情報通信技術の活用などにより行政サービスを向上させるとともに、既存事業の見直しや施策の重点化を図り、効率的な行財政運営を図っています。 Towns need to demonstrate initiative in an era when government power is becoming increasingly decentralized. The municipal government of Mizuho is using information technology to improve administrative services while also reviewing existing programs and prioritizing policies to manage municipal administration and finances with increased efficiency.
 また、行政評価システムの確立や町民との協働によるまちづくりも進めています。「町長への手紙」は町民からの提案や要望を直接行政に反映させるためのもので、ホームページからもお寄せいただけます。 We have also established a system for assessing the municipal administration, and we promote community development in cooperation with town residents. Letters to the town mayor from townspeople are used to reflect their suggestions and requests directly in the town's administration. The town website can also be used to submit ideas.

[議会] [Town Council]
開かれた議会を目指しています Striving to Be an Open Council
 瑞穂町議会は、町民の代表である16名の議員により構成されています。定例会は年4回で、必要に応じて臨時会が開かれます。町の将来、現状の問題点、予算などのほか、町民からの要望や提案も取り上げられ、ここで審議されます。 The Mizuho town council consists of 16 members who represent the town's citizens. The town council holds four regular sessions per year and special sessions as needed. In addition to deliberations regarding the town's future, current issues, and the budget, it considers requests and suggestions from town residents.
 議員は、総務産業建設委員会、厚生文教委員会のいずれかに属し、それぞれ専門的な議題を取り扱っています。そのほかにも必要に応じて特別委員会を設け、審査しています。 Council members belong either to the standing general affairs, industry, and construction committee or the public welfare and education committee, handling their respective special discussion topics. Other special committees are formed to hold deliberations as needed.

Town office buildings
Some town services are open until 8 p.m. every Thursday

From left: Chairman Osamu Ishikawa, Vice-Chairman Tatsumi Ogawa
From left: Deputy Mayor Hiroyuki Sugiura, Mayor Kouemon Ishizuka, School Superintendent Toshimi Toriumi
Town councilors (council chamber)