年 Year | (西暦) (CE) | 月 Month | 内容 | Contents |
昭和15年 | (1940) | 11 | 箱根ヶ崎村、石畑村、殿ヶ谷村、長岡村を廃して町制 施行、瑞穂町誕生となる。 | Mizuho Town was established under the grant of township by abolishing Hakonegasaki Village, Ishihata Village, Tonogaya Village and Nagaoka Village. |
16年 | (1941) | 4 | 武蔵野尋常高等小学校が瑞穂第一国民学校に、長岡 尋常小学校が瑞穂第二国民学校に改称 | Musashino Jinjo Senior Elementary School was redesignated as the Mizuho First National Elementary School, and Nagaoka Jinjo/Normal Elementary School became the Mizuho No.2 National Elementary School. |
18年 | (1943) | 2 | 石畑診療所を町立診療所に移管 | Ishihata Clinic was transferred to the Municipal Clinic. |
19年 | (1944) | 4 | 瑞穂町農業会設立 | Mizuho Agricultural Association was founded. |
11 | 戦時託児所開設 | Wartime child nursery opened. |
昭和20年 | (1945) | 9 | 占領軍、飛行場を接収し、横田基地となる | The occupation forces requisitioned the airfield, which became Yokota Air Base. |
21年 | (1946) | 10 | 農地委員会、選挙管理委員会設置 | Setting up of the farmland committee and an election administration commission. |
22年 | (1947) | 4 | 瑞穂第一、第二国民学校が第一小学校、第二小学校に 改称 | The First and Second Mizuho National Elementary Schools were renamed as The First and Second Mizuho Elementary Schools. |
5 | 瑞穂中学校設置、5月5日開校 | Mizuho Junior High School was founded, opening on May 5. |
5 | 初の町長、町会議員の公選執行される | The public election for the office of mayor and the town council members was held for the first time. |
11 | 警防団を廃し、消防団となる | A Shobodan (volunteer firefighting unit) was formed by abolishing the Keibodan (civil defense volunteer unit). |
23年 | (1948) | 5 | 瑞穂中学校独立校舎落成 | Mizuho Junior High School's independent building was completed. |
24年 | (1949) | 1 | 瑞穂中学校に都立農林高等学校瑞穂分校開校 | Tokyo Metropolitan Agriculture and Forestry High School's Mizuho branch school opened within Mizuho Junior High School. |
9 | 瑞穂町公民館落成 | Mizuho Community Center was completed. |
26年 | (1951) | 3 | 六道山、狭山池を都立自然公園に指定 | Mt. Rokudo and Sayama Pond were designated as the Tokyo Metropolitan Sayama Nature Park. |
27年 | (1952) | 2 | 狭山火葬場組合設立 | Sayama Crematorium Association was established. |
11 | 瑞穂町教育委員会発足 | Mizuho Board of Education was inaugurated. |
29年 | (1954) | 4 | 埼玉県元狭山村より合併申し入れ、8月受諾の回答 | A merger was proposed by MotoSayama village of Saitama Prefecture, which Mizuho accepted in August. |
昭和31年 | (1956) | 7 | 横田基地拡張用地提供調印 | Signing for the release of land for the Yokota Air Base expansion. |
7 | 都議会にて、瑞穂町・元狭山村の合併は適当とする旨、 議決 | Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly voting approval for the merger of Mizuho and Motosayama. |
32年 | (1957) | 1 | 第一小学校給食開始 | The First Elementary School began providing school lunch. |
5 | 慰霊塔除幕式 | Ceremony to unveil a war memorial tower. |
33年 | (1958) | 3 | 瑞穂中学校校舎移転 | Mizuho Junior High School relocated. |
10 | 埼玉県元狭山村との合併 | Merger with Motosaitama Village, Saitama Prefecture. |
34年 | (1959) | 4 | 福生伝染病組合への加入 | Mizuho entered into the association linked to the Fussa Infectious Deseases Hospital. |
6 | 第二小学校給食開始 | The Second Elementary School started providing a school lunch. |
12 | 青年研修所落成 | Youth Training Center completed. |
35年 | (1960) | 2 | 都営住宅建設開始 | Construction of metropolitan housing begun. |
36年 | (1961) | 1 | 瑞穂町役場庁舎落成 | Mizuho Town office building completed. |
37年 | (1962) | 6 | みどりのおばさん学童の交通指導開始 | Road Crossing Women Warden system for schoolchildren started. |
38年 | (1963) | 3 | 有線放送電話業務開始 | Cable broadcasting telephone business started. |
6 | 上水道給水開始 | Municipal water-works system commenced. |
39年 | (1964) | 4 | 学校給食センター設置 | School lunch service center was installed. |
9 | 清掃業開始 | Cleaning Project begun. |
昭和40年 | (1965) | 4 | 都立瑞穂農芸高校創立 | Tokyo Metropolitan Mizuho Nogei (Agriculture) Senior High School was founded. |
4 | 町章制定 | Town's emblem was introduced. |
41年 | (1966) | 4 | 社会福祉協議会設立 | Council of Social Welfare was established. |
42年 | (1967) | 4 | 第一小学校分校開校する | The First Elementary School branch opened. |
43年 | (1968) | 4 | 第一小学校分校が瑞穂第四小学校として独立 | The First Elementary School branch became independent, to be known as Mizuho Fourth Elementary School. |
11 | 町民会館完成 | The Town Hall was completed. |
12 | 狭山遺跡発掘調査 | Excavation of Sayama prehistoric site. |
44年 | (1969) | 3 | 瑞穂中学校講堂完成 | Mizuho Junior High School auditorium was completed. |
45年 | (1970) | 4 | ごみ、し尿処理手数料、火葬料無料化実施 | Collection of fees for garbage and human waste processing was introduced, and the cremation fee was abolished with this service now free of charge. |
4 | 水道管理事務所完成 | The water system management office building was completed. |
11 | 町制30周年記念式典 | The 30th anniversary ceremony for the township establishment was held. |
12 | 市街化区域、市街化調整区域決定する | Urbanization-promoted areas and urbanization-controlled areas were designated. |
46年 | (1971) | 4 | 石畑保育園開園 | Ishihata Nursery opened. |
4 | 羽村、瑞穂学校給食組合設立 | Hamura and Mizuho School Lunch Service Association was founded. |
4 | 元狭山会館開館 | Motosayama Hall opened. |
7 | 新青梅街道国道16号まで開通 | New Ome-Kaido Road opened to reach National Route 16. |
47年 | (1972) | 3 | 狭山谷公園プール完成 | Sayama Valley Park Pool was completed. |
3 | 福生消防署瑞穂出張所業務開始 | Fussa Fire Department Mizuho branch started operation. |
6 | 福祉会館開館 | Welfare Center opened. |
48年 | (1973) | 3 | 町指定文化財発表 | The town-designated cultural properties were announced. |
4 | むさしの保育園開園 | Musashino Nursery Opened. |
4 | 第四小学校学童クラブ開所 | The Fourth Elementary School After-School Child Care Club opened. |
4 | 産業会館・長岡会館開館 | Industrial Center and Nagaoka Hall opened. |
6 | 有線放送電話自動化 | Cable broadcasting telephone system was automated. |
6 | 世界連邦平和都市宣言を議決 | The town council endorsed the World Federalist Movement's Peace City Declaration. |
8 | 図書館開館 | Mizuho Town Library opened. |
12 | 2万人の町民誕生 | The 20,000th inhabitant was born. |
49年 | (1974) | 2 | 公共下水道事業計画決定 | Public sewer project plan was drawn up. |
3 | 農業振興地域の指定を受ける | The town was designated as an area for the promotion of agriculture. |
4 | 殿ケ谷会館開館 | Tonogaya Hall opened. |
6 | 上水道事業、都営一元化に成る | The water supply systems became centralized under the management of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. |
8 | 西部土地区画整備事業計画決定 | The Western District Land Readjustment Project plan was drawn up. |
8 | 瑞穂町歌・音頭を制定 | The Mizuho Town Song and the Dance Song were introduced. |
9 | 保健センター開館 | The Health Center opened. |
昭和50年 | (1975) | 7 | 中央体育館開館 | Central Gymnasium was completed. |
51年 | (1976) | 4 | 瑞穂第二中学校開校 | Mizuho Second Junior High School was inaugurated. |
4 | ごみ投棄差し止め仮処分申請書提出 | Application was filed for the provisional disposition on the waste dumping injunction. |
4 | 箱根ケ崎南会館開館 | Hakonegasaki South Hall opened. |
10 | 廃棄処分地全面解決 | Waste Disposal Sites dispute was fully resolved. |
12 | ごみ分別収集モデル地区設定 | A model area was established for presorted-garbage collection. |
52年 | (1977) | 4 | 新青梅街道立体交差が開通 | A crossing with an overpass for the New Ome Kaido Road was opened. |
5 | クリーンみずほ作戦、全町にてごみ分別収集開始 | As part of the Clean Mizuho Campaign, the presorted-garbage collection was started across the whole town. |
5 | 石畑会館・箱根ケ崎中央会館開館 | Ishihata Hall and Hakonegasaki Central Hall opened. |
11 | 郷土資料館開館 | Museum of Local History and Culture Opened. |
53年 | (1978) | 1 | 町の花・木・鳥決定 | The town's symbol flowers, trees, and bird were designated. |
3 | 瑞穂町まちづくり総合計画(基本構想)議決 | The Mizuho Town's basic town development plan was voted in. |
4 | 第五小学校開校 | The Fifth Elementary School opened. |
4 | むさしの子供の家開館 | Musashino Children's House was inaugurated. |
5 | むさしの会館開館 | Musashino Hall opened. |
5 | クリーンみずほセンター開所 | Clean Mizuho Center opened. |
54年 | (1979) | 3 | 町営グランド・テニスコート完成 | Municipal Sports Ground's Tennis Court was completed. |
6 | 瑞穂武道館開館 | Mizuho Budokan (Martial Arts) Hall opened. |
8 | 公共下水道一部地域で使用開始 | Public sewerage system started operation in some areas. |
55年 | (1980) | 4 | 箱根ケ崎北会館開館 | Hakonegasaki North Hall opened. |
56年 | (1981) | 2 | リサイクルシステム全国研究集会開催 | Nationwide study meeting held to look at a recycling system. |
4 | 町営グランドナイター施設オープン | Municipal Sports Ground night game facility opened. |
6 | 狭山火葬場組合斎場開所 | Sayama Crematorium Association opened a funeral hall. |
8 | 農畜産物直売所開所 | Venue opened for the direct sale of agricultural and livestock produce. |
8 | 長岡南会館開館 | Nagaoka South Hall opened. |
57年 | (1982) | 3 | 瑞穂町総合土地利用基本計画調査報告書完成 | A report was completed on an investigation into the basic plan for Mizuho Town’s comprehensive land use. |
58年 | (1983) | 3 | 公共下水道駒形ポンプ場完成 | Komagata public sewer pump station was completed. |
4 | 第一小学校学童保育クラブ開所 | The First Elementary School After-School Child Care Club opened. |
4 | 福祉作業所開所 | Welfare workshop opened. |
4 | 防災行政無線移動系開局 | Mobile emergency broadcast system launched. |
4 | 新庁舎開庁 | A new town office building opened. |
5 | 六道山公園「文化の森」開園 | Forest of culture," Mt. Rokudo Park opened. |
9 | 狭山池公園整備工事着手 | Sayama Pond Park construction was launched. |
59年 | (1984) | 8 | 窓口事務にコンピュータ導入 | The computer system was introduced for the over-the-counter service. |
10 | 瑞穂町高齢者事業団発足 | Mizuho Aged Welfare Agency launched. |
昭和60年 | (1985) | 4 | 防災行政無線固定系開局 | Emergency broadcast system began operation. |
5 | 町おこし運動実施 | Town revitalization movement was carried out. |
6 | 瑞穂町行政改革審議会設置 | Mizuho Administrative Reform Council was established. |
61年 | (1986) | 3 | 瑞穂町行政改革大綱を策定 | Mizuho administrative reform outline was drawn up. |
3 | 都市計画道路2・3・2号御伊勢山通り線新青梅街道まで開通 | The Ise-dori route of the City Planning Road No. 2.3.2 connected to New Ome Kaido Road. |
4 | 狭山池公園開園 | Sayama Pond Park opened. |
4 | 第三小学校学童保育クラブ開所 | The Third Elementary School After-School Child Care Club opened. |
4 | 箱根ケ崎西会館開館 | Hakonegasaki West Hall opened. |
7 | 図書館にコンピュータ導入 | The library’s computer system was introduced. |
11 | 農畜産物直売所移設 | Farmers' market was relocated. |
62年 | (1987) | 3 | 瑞穂町行政改革審議会答申 | Mizuho Town Administrative Reform Council report. |
4 | 駒形公園開園 | Komagata Park opened. |
6 | 残堀川改修事業が事業認可 | Zambori River improvement works were authorized. |
9 | 瑞穂町交通安全の町宣言議決 | Mizuho's declaration for town traffic safety was voted in. |
11 | 御伊勢山運動公園着手 | Construction of Mt. O-Ise Sports Park started. |
63年 | (1988) | 2 | 殿ケ谷会館に図書室開設 | A library opened in Tonogaya Hall. |
3 | 福生伝染病組合廃止 | The Infectious Diseases Association linked to Fussa Hospital. was dissolved. |
3 | アメニティトイレ完成(町営グランド) | Full-amenity restroom was completed (Municipal Sports Ground). |
4 | 第二小学校学童保育クラブ開所 | The Second Elementary School After-School Child Care Club opened. |
5 | 国道16号(福生市熊川~瑞穂町石畑)4・25km拡幅工事 完成・開通 | The widening of 4.25 km of tbe Route 16 (Kumagawa, Fussa City to Ishihata, Mizuho Town) was completed and opened. |
6 | 地籍調査課にコンピュータ(数値地籍管理システム)導入 | A computer system (numerical cadastral management system) was introduced to the Cadastral Survey Department. |
9 | 八高線運行本数増発 | Services increased in the Hakko Line. |
平成元年 | (1989) | 1 | 交通公園完成 | Traffic playground was completed. |
3 | 立川バス箱根ケ崎駅から羽村駅東口(長岡経由)誕生 | Tachikawa bus service started between Hakonegasaki Station and Hamura Station east exit (via Nagaoka). |
3 | 国道16号瑞穂バイパス(石畑~青梅街道)1・8㎞開通 | Mizuho bypass (1.8 km between Ishihata and Ome Kaido Rd.) of Route 16 was opened. |
4 | 狭山火葬場組合が瑞穂斎場組合に改称 | Sayama Crematorium Association was renamed to Mizuho Funeral Parlour Association. |
4 | 土曜閉庁実施 | Town office closes on Saturdays. |
5 | 3万人目の町民誕生 | Birth of the 30,000 th inhabitant. |
8 | 消防団第4分団車庫・詰所が移転 | The fire brigade garage and station of the No. 4 fire volunteer unit was relocated. |
10 | 全国瑞穂町交流会設立 | National friendship exchange meeting of Mizuho Towns was inaugurated. |
2年 | (1990) | 3 | ふるさと創生事業決まる | Hometown Creation business was decided. |
3 | アメニティトイレ(狭山谷公園、松原中央公園)完成 | Full-amenity restroom was completed (Sayama Valley Park, Matsubara Central Park) |
5 | 二本木公園開園 | Nihongi Park opened. |
7 | 御伊勢山運動公園(仮称)の名称決まる | The tentative name of Mt. O-Ise Sports Park was decided. |
9 | 瑞穂ビューパーク・スカイホール完成 | Mizuho View Park and Sky Hall were completed. |
11 | 町制施行50周年記念式典 | The 50th anniversary commemorative ceremony on the Mizuho town establishment was held. |
11 | モニュメント「天空」除幕式 | Unveiling ceremony of the monument "Tenku. |
12 | 「ゆとり宣言」議決 | Declaration of Comfortable Lives" was resolved. |
3年 | (1991) | 3 | 50周年記念記録映画(おおたかの棲むまち)完成 | The 50th anniversary documentary movie "A Town where the Goshawk lives" was completed. |
3 | 瑞穂町長期総合計画(基本構想)議決 | Mizuho town council decided upon its long-term comprehensive plan (basic plan). |
6 | 都市計画道路3・5・17号線(消防署~旧日光街道)完成 | The city planning road, 3.5.17 line (from the fire station to old Nikko Kaido Road ) was completed. |
6 | 残堀川下砂橋完成 | Shimosuna Bridge over Zanbori River was completed. |
7 | 石畑給水所完成 | Ishihata water supply station was completed. |
7 | 元狭山ふるさと思い出館開館 | Motosayama Furusato Omoide (Hometown Remembrance) Hall opened. |
12 | 「暴力団排除に関する宣言」議決 | A statement on "The Exclusion of Organized Criminal Gangs" was resolved. |
4年 | (1992) | 4 | 町営第2グランド・第2庭球場完成 | Municipal 2nd Ground and the 2nd Tennis Courts opened. |
4 | 高齢者在宅サービスセンターみずほ開館 | "Mizuho" Elderly Home Service Center opened. |
6 | 西部土地区画整理事業完成 | Mizuho Western District Land Readjustment Project was completed. |
12 | 多摩都市モノレールが箱根ケ崎駅まで次期整備路線に決定 | It was decided that Tokyo Tama Intercity Monorail would be extended to Hakonegasaki Station for the next development project. |
5年 | (1993) | 6 | 瑞穂町農畜産物直売所「ふれっしゅはうす」完成 | Mizuho farmers' market "Fresh House" was completed. |
7 | 有線放送電話業務廃止 | Wire broadcast telephone service abolished. |
12 | 高齢者福祉センター「寿楽」開館 | "Juraku" elderly welfare center opened. |
6年 | (1994) | 4 | オフトーク通信(MICNETWORK)放送スタート | Off-talk communication-broadcast (MICNETWORK) started. |
4 | 広報みずほA4判化 | The format of the Newsletter "Mizuho" was changed to A4 sheet. |
10 | 箱根ケ崎駅西土地区画整理事業都市計画決定 | The urbanization plan for the Hakonegasaki Station West Land Readjustment Project was decided. |
11 | 国道16号瑞穂バイパス全線開通 | Mizuho bypass of Route 16 fully opened. |
7年 | (1995) | 1 | 地価監視区域が解除 | The land transaction monitoring zone was removed. |
3 | 消防団第2分団車庫・詰所が移転 | The fire brigade garage and station of the No. 2 fire volunteer unit was relocated. |
4 | 旭が丘自治会誕生 | Asahigaoka community association was established. |
4 | 心身障害者(児)福祉センター「あゆみ」オープン | "Ayumi", Mizuho welfare center for the handicapped (Children) opened. |
5 | 瑞穂町行政改革推進本部設置 | Mizuho Town Administrative Reform Promotion Headquarters was established. |
9 | オフトーク通信(MICNETWORK)チャンネルネーミング決まる | The name of the Off-Talk Communication Project (MICNETWORK) channel was decided. |
11 | MXテレビ放送開始(瑞穂町随時登場) | MX television broadcasting started. (Mizuho Town appeared occasionally.) |
8年 | (1996) | 1 | みずほ10景決まる | Mizuho beautiful sceneries Best 10 were decided. |
3 | 箱根ケ崎駅西土地区画整理事業が事業認可 | Hakonegasaki Station West Land Readjustment Project secured business approval. |
3 | JR八高線(八王子~高麗川間)電化開業 | JR Hachiko Line railway was electrified (Hachioji-Komagawa). |
3 | 国道16号(高根バイパス分岐~埼玉県境)拡幅工事完成、供用開始 | The widening works of Route 16 were completed and commenced services (between Takane bypass fork and the border with Saitama Prefecture). |
3 | 保健センター完成 | Mizuho Health Center was completed. |
4 | 環境監視員による環境パトロール開始 | Environmental patrol started by environmental wardens. |
6 | 殿ヶ谷土地区画整理事業が事業認可 | Tonogaya Land Readjustment Project approved. |
10 | 国際化推進派遣事業で派遣団がオーストラリアへ | A delegation was dispatched to Australia under the internationalization promotion project. |
10 | 女性問題町民懇話会答申書まとまる | The report on the town resident's committee on women's issues was published. |
9年 | (1997) | 4 | 瑞穂町第2次行政改革大綱を策定 | Mizuho the second administrative reform outline was drawn up. |
4 | 母子保健事業が都から町へ移管 | Mother and child health project was transferred from Tokyo Metropolitan government to Mizuho Town. |
12 | あすなろ児童館等複合施設完成 | Combined Facilities for Asunaro Children's House, etc. were completed. |
平成10年 | (1998) | 9 | 戸籍事務のコンピュータ化 | Computer processing of the family register began. |
10 | 瑞穂町ホームページがオープン | Mizuho Town opened an homepage on the internet. |
11年 | (1999) | 10 | 全国瑞穂町交流会発足10周年 | Nation-wide Mizuho Towns exchange meeting's 10th anniversary since inauguration. |
12年 | (2000) | 1 | 少年サッカー場オープン | Municipal Youth Soccer Field opened. |
4 | 介護保険制度始まる | Long-term care insurance system started. |
4 | 町民農園オープン | Mizuho Residents' Farm opened. |
7 | 瑞穂町都市計画マスタープラン策定 | Mizuho Town Urbanization Project Master Plan was formulated. |
11 | 町制施行60周年記念誌発行 | Mizuho Town Establishment 60th Anniversary booklet was published. |
13年 | (2001) | 1 | 情報公開制度始まる | Information disclosure system commenced. |
4 | 第3次長期総合計画スタート | The Third Long-term Comprehensive Plan started. |
4 | 耕心館オープン | Koshinkan Hall opened. |
4 | 公立福生病院オープン | Municipal Fussa Hospital opened. |
4 | ファミリー・サポートセンター援助活動開始 | Support activities of the Family Support Center commenced. |
4 | 生涯学習センターオープン | Lifelong Learning Center opened. |
4 | 寿楽ミニバス「ことぶき号」運行開始 | Operation of Juraku minibus "Kotobuki-go"service started. |
10 | フレッシュランド西多摩オープン | Freshland Nishitama opened. |
14年 | (2002) | 1 | 武蔵野コミュニティセンターオープン | Musashino Community Center opened. |
4 | 町立小・中学校完全学校週5日制スタート | Municipal elementary and junior high schools began a full five-day school week. |
8 | 住民基本台帳ネットワークシステムスタート | Basic Resident Register Network System launched. |
9 | 狭山遺跡発掘調査 | Excavation of Sayama prehistoric site. |
10 | 瑞穂斎場リニューアルオープン | Mizuho Funeral Hall was renovated. |
11 | みずほリサイクルプラザオープン | Mizuho Recycle Plaza opened. |
15年 | (2003) | 3 | オフトーク通信事業廃止 | Off-Talk Communication Project terminated. |
4 | 緑の保全事業スタート | Green Conservation Project started. |
8 | 個人情報保護制度スタート | Personal Date Protection System started. |
8 | 住民基本台帳ネットワークシステム第2次サービス開始 | The secondary service of the Basic Resident Register Network System started. |
9 | 役場窓口時間延長(木曜日の午後7時まで)と電話予約 サービスの試行開始 | Town office customer service counter time extended (to 19:00 on Thursday), and a trial began of the telephone reservation service. |
11 | 武蔵野地区の町名地番を変更 | The town area names and street lot numbers in the Musashino district changed. |
11 | 箱根ケ崎時計台の復元 | Restoration of Hakonegasaki Clock Tower |
16年 | (2004) | 4 | 行政評価システムの導入 | Administrative evaluation system was introduced. |
4 | 木曜日の窓口時間午後8時まで延長 | Service counter timewas extended to 8 pm on Thursdays. |
6 | 瑞穂・横田交流協会発足 | Mizuho-Yokota Exchange Association launched. |
8 | 平和祈念碑完成 | Peace monument was completed. |
9 | 全国瑞穂町交流会解散 | Nation-wide Mizuho towns exchange association disbanded. |
10 | 家庭ごみ一部有料化戸別収集スタート | Part-fee charges for household waste and door-to-door waste collection started. |
12 | 瑞穂町ホームページリニューアル | Mizuho Town's website was renewed. |
17年 | (2005) | 3 | 箱根ケ崎駅舎及び東西自由通路落成 | The Hakonegasaki Station building and the east-west free pathway were completed. |
4 | 子ども家庭支援センターひばりオープン | Hibari children's welfare center opened. |
4 | 箱根ケ崎駅自転車等駐車場及び東西自由通路並びに 寿楽指定管理者制度導入 | Designated administrator system was introduced to Hakonegasaki Station parking lot for bicycles, etc. and the east-west free pathway as well as "Juraku. |
4 | 箱根ケ崎駅前交番開所 | Hakonegasaki Ekimae police box opened. |
10 | 瑞穂ハローワーク求人情報コーナー消費者生活相談 窓口開設 | The consumer consultation corner was opened in the job-placement information section of Mizuho Hello Work (public employment security office). |
11 | みずほエコパークオープン | Mizuho Eco Park opened. |
18年 | (2006) | 2 | シルバーワークプラザオープン | Silver Work Plaza Opened. |
4 | 第3次長期総合計画 後期基本計画スタート | The third long-term comprehensive plan and the basic plan for the second half started. |
7 | 米国モーガンヒル市との姉妹都市締結 | Finalization of Sister City Link with Morgan Hill City, CA, USA. |
11 | 元狭山コミュニティセンターオープン | Motosayama Community Center opened. |
19年 | (2007) | 4 | 副町長制導入 | Deputy mayoral system introduced. |
10 | 瑞穂町生涯学習まちづくり出前講座スタート | Lifelong learning lectures, delivered on-demand, started as part of Mizuho Town development. |
10 | 収入役制度廃止、会計管理者を設置 | The treasurer system was abolished and an accounting administrator was appointed. |
平成20年 | (2008) | 2 | 国道16号瑞穂中央立体完成 | Mizuho Central multi-level crossing of Route 16 was completed. |
3 | 残堀川整備完成 | Zanbori River improvement completed. |
4 | 石畑保育園指定管理者制度導入 | Designated administrator system was introduced to Ishihata Nursery School. |
4 | 部制導入 | Department systems were introduced. |
6 | 姉妹都市委員会発足 | Sister Town Committee launched. |
10 | 耕心館指定管理者制度導入 | Designated administrator system was introduced to the Koshinkan Hall. |
21年 | (2009) | 3 | 環境基本計画 策定 | Basic Environmental Plan was formulated. |
7 | メール配信サービス開始 | E-mail delivery service started. |
11 | みずほ超とくとく商品券発売 | Mizuho Toku-Toku gift certificates were released for sale. |
22年 | (2010) | 2 | 公立福生病院新病院オープン | New Municipal Fussa Hospital opened. |
3 | 福祉バス運行開始 | Welfare bus service started. |
3 | 官民協働事業による「暮らしの便利帳」発行 | Handbook for Convenient Life (Kurashino Benricho)" was issued under the collaboration between the municipality and the private sector. |
4 | ふれあいセンター開館 | Fureai Center Hall opened. |
4 | 瑞穂町福祉作業所「さくら」開所 | Mizuho welfare workshop "Sakura" opened. |
4 | 第4次男女共同参画社会推進行動計画 策定 | The Fourth Gender-equal Society Promotion Plan was formulated. |
4 | 教育基本計画 策定 | Basic educational plan was formulated. |
6 | 海外留学奨学資金等支給制度 受付開始 | Acceptance of application for the provision of fund for study abroad started. |
6 | みずほリサイクルプラザに太陽光パネルを設置 | Solar panels were installed at the Mizuho Recycle Plaza. |
8 | 八丈町立中学校と交流 | Interchange with Hachijo Town junior high school. |
10 | 地域包括支援センター事業を民間委託 | Community comprehensive support center business was entrusted to the private sector. |
10 | 瑞穂町と読売新聞販売店による「瑞穂町高齢者見守り ネットワーク」協定 | Mizuho Town and Yomiuri Shimbun distributors entered into an agreement on cooperation of the "Elderly monitoring support network. |
11 | 町制施行70周年記念式典 | Commemorative ceremony to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the town organization establishment |
11 | 名誉町民称号授与 | The title of honorary citizen of the town was granted. |
12 | 瑞穂建設業協会と「災害時における応急措置活動」に 関する協定締結 | Mizuho Town entered into an agreement with the Mizuho Construction Association on cooperation in the "Emergency Measures Activities in the Disasters." |
12 | 小・中学校の耐震補強工事完了 | Seismic strengthening works for elementary and junior high schools were completed. |
23年 | (2011) | 2 | 元狭山広域防災広場整備 | Motosayama wide-area disaster control plaza was improved. |
3 | 第2弾 みずほ超とくとく商品券発売 | Mizuho No. 2 Toku-Toku gift certificates were released for sale. |
3 | 第2次国際化推進計画 策定 | The Second Internationalization Plan was formulated. |
4 | 第4次長期総合計画スタート | The Fourth Long-term Comprehensive Plan started. |
4 | 福祉バス運行内容変更(3コース) | Operations of the welfare bus service were changed. (Three routes) |
4 | ミズホ笑夢スポーツクラブ設立 | Mizuho Shomu Sports Club was established. |
4 | 狭山懸橋 開通 | Sayama Bridge opened. |
4 | 景観基本計画 策定 | The Basic Landscape Plan was formulated. |
4 | 組織改正 | Reorganization |
4 | 第2次地域福祉保健計画 策定 | The Second Regional Welfare and Health Plan was formulated. |
11 | 名誉町民称号授与 | The title of honorary citizen of the town was granted. |
11 | 長岡コミュニティセンターオープン | Nagaoka Community Center opened. |