武蔵野地区の都営住宅内にある武蔵野コミュニティセンターは、東京都が建設し、町が都から無償で貸与されたもので、コミュニティ機能や生涯学習機能、役場の連絡所機能等を備えた複合型施設です。交流の場として、また、自主的な地域活動の場として、子どもから高齢者まで多くの方にご利用いただいています。 | Musashino Community Center, located in Musashino district’s metropolitan public housing area, was built by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and is leased to the town at no charge. This facility complex caters for a variety of needs, including community-related, lifelong learning, and for town hall liaison office purposes. As a place where people can interact, and also as a home for local community-focused voluntary activities, the center is widely used by everyone, ranging from children to the elderly. |