残堀川の拡幅整備工事に伴い、狭山池の周辺の狭山遺跡で竪穴住居が発見され、縄文時代中期集落の存在が明らかとなりました。また狭山丘陵中腹の六道山遺跡では石鏃(せきぞく)をはじめとする多数の石器と、狩猟用の陥穴(おとしあな)が発見されました。 | When the Zanbori River was being widened, pit dwellings were discovered at the Sayama site around the Sayama Pond. From this discovery, the existence of a settlement in the middle Jomon period (approx. 5,500-4,500 years ago) became evident. In addition, a large number of stone implements, including flint arrowheads, and hunting pits were discovered at the Mt. Rokudo site, halfway up Sayama Hill. |