平成22年8月 松原遺跡発掘調査August, 2010 Excavation of Matsubara Prehistoric Site

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Matsubara prehistoric site's study tour

 箱根ヶ崎駅西地区土地区画整理事業の進捗に伴い、松原遺跡の発掘調査を行っています。旧石器時代終末期の尖頭器(槍先)を製作した痕跡や、縄文時代早期後半の狩猟の陥穴(おとしあな)が発見されています。With the progress of the land readjustment project in the Hakonegasaki Station western district, the Matsubara site was excavated for investigation. Remnants of late Paleolithic spear heads and hunting pitfalls of the latter half of the early Jomon period have been discovered.
 特に旧石器時代終末期の尖頭器は、都内でもあまり発掘例がなく、希少な調査例です。With few late Paleolithic-period spear heads excavated in the Tokyo area, available specimens are regarded as especially rare and invaluable objects for study.