その後、朝鮮半島から北九州に稲作が伝わり弥生文化が成立し、西から東へ少しずつ伝播した。東日本で弥生文化が大きく発展するのは、弥生時代後期になってからである。瑞穂町では弥生時代の集落は発見されていないが、前述の狭山遺跡から弥生時代中期~後期の土器片が出土している。そのため、弥生時代に狭山池周辺に弥生人が訪れたことはあったようである。 | Thereafter, rice cultivation was brought over from the Korean Peninsula to northern Kyushu, and helped establish the Yayoi culture, which then gradually spread from the west to the east of Japan. In Eastern Japan, this did not happen until the late Yayoi period, by which time the Yayoi culture had developed markedly. Although Yayoi period settlements have not been found in Mizuho, fragments of earthenware from the mid-to-late Yayoi period have been excavated from the Sayama site mentioned above. Therefore, it seems that Yayoi people did visit the Sayama Pond area during the Yayoi period. |