平成3年 (1991年) | -町のできごと- | -Town events- | ||
3月 | 残堀川下砂橋完成 | March | Shimosuna Bridge over Zanbori River completed. | |
瑞穂町長期総合計画(基本構想)議決 | Mizuho town council decided upon its long-term comprehensive plan (basic plan). | |||
6月 | 都市計画道路3・5・17号線(消防署~旧日光街道)完成 | June | Completion of city planning road, 3.5.17 line (from the fire station to old Nikko Kaido Road). | |
7月 | 元狭山ふるさと思い出館開館 | July | Motosayama Furusato Omoide (Hometown Remembrance) Hall opened | |
石畑給水所完成 | Ishihata water supply station completed. | |||
-社会情勢- | -External events- | |||
6月 | 雲仙普賢岳噴火 | June | Mt. Unzen's Fugen-dake peak erupted. |
平成4年 1992 | -町のできごと- | -Town events- | ||
3月 | 西部土地区画整理事業完成 | March | Western district land readjustment project completed. | |
4月 | 町営第2グランド・第2庭球場開設 | April | Municipal 2nd Ground and the 2nd Tennis Courts opened. | |
高齢者在宅サービスセンター「みずほ」開所 | "Mizuho" Elderly Home Service Center opened. | |||
8月 | 残堀川仲町橋完成 | August | Nakacho Bridge over Zanbori River completed. | |
-社会情勢- | -External events- | |||
9月 | 公立学校月1回の土曜日休校開始 | September | Public schools introduced a day off on one Saturday a month. |
平成5年 1993 | -町のできごと- | -Town events- | ||
4月 | 南平町町内会発足 | April | Minamidaira neighborhood association inaugurated. | |
瑞中・二中コンピュータ授業開始 | Computer class began at the two Mizuho junior high schools (Mizuho & Mizuho 2nd). | |||
7月 | 有線放送電話業務廃止 | July | Wire broadcast telephone service abolished. | |
10月 | 特別養護老人ホーム「不老の郷」開所 | October | Special elderly nursing home "Furonosato (Eternal-Youth)" Opened. | |
12月 | 高齢者福祉センター「寿楽」開館 | December | "Juraku" elderly welfare center opened. | |
残堀川二本榎橋完成 | Nihon'enoki Bridge over Zanbori River completed. | |||
農畜産物直売所「ふれっしゅはうす」開館 | "Fresh House" farmers’ market opened. | |||
-社会情勢- | -External events- | |||
1月 | 北海道釧路沖地震発生 | January | The Hokkaido Kushiro Offshore Earthquake occurred. | |
7月 | 北海道南西沖地震発生 | July | The Hokkaido Southwest Offshore Earthquake occurred. |
平成6年 1994 | -町のできごと- | -Town events- | ||
3月 | 瑞穂町地域福祉計画策定 | March | Mizuho community-based welfare plan developed. | |
4月 | オフトーク通信放送開始 | April | Off-talk communication-broadcast started. | |
9月 | 下水道用マンホール蓋デザイン決定 | September | Sewer manhole cover design decided. | |
11月 | 終戦50周年平和祈念戦没者慰霊記念誌発行 | November | Booklet published for the 50th Anniversary of the end of WWII with a peace prayer and dedication to the war dead. | |
国道16号瑞穂バイパス全線開通 | Mizuho Bypass of the National Route 16 fully opened. | |||
12月 | 残堀川境橋完成 | December | Sakai Bridge over Zanbori River completed. | |
-社会情勢- | -External events- | |||
9月 | 関西国際空港開港 | September | Kansai International Airport opened. |
平成7年 1995 | -町のできごと- | -Town events- | ||
4月 | 旭ケ丘自治会誕生 | April | Asahigaoka Residents' Association formed. | |
心身障害者(児)福祉センター「あゆみ」開館 | "Ayumi", Mizuho welfare center for the handicapped (Children) opened. | |||
11月 | 残堀川砂前橋完成 | November | Sunama'e Bridge over Zanbori River completed. | |
12月 | 残堀川仲橋完成 | December | Naka Bridge over Zanbori River completed. | |
-社会情勢- | -External events- | |||
1月 | 阪神・淡路大震災発生 | January | The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake occurred. | |
4月 | 青島都政誕生 | April | Aoshima Metropolitan Government inaugurated. |
平成8年 1996 | -町のできごと- | -Town events- | ||
1月 | みずほ10景決定 | January | Mizuho 10 Best Views selected. | |
3月 | 箱根ケ崎駅西土地区画整理事業の事業認可 | March | Hakonegasaki Station West Land Readjustment Project approved. | |
八高線電化開業(八王子~高麗川) | Hachiko Line railway fully electrified (Hachioji-Komagawa). | |||
4月 | 保健センター開館 | April | Mizuho Health Center opened. | |
瑞穂中学校開校50周年 | The 50th anniversary of Mizuho Junior High School. | |||
環境監視員による環境パトロール開始 | Environmental patrol started by environmental wardens. | |||
6月 | 殿ケ谷土地区画整理事業の事業認可 | June | Tonogaya Land Readjustment Project approved. | |
-社会情勢- | -External events- | |||
12月 | ペルー日本人大使館人質事件発生 | December | The Japanese embassy hostage crisis occurred in Peru. |
平成9年 1997 | -町のできごと- | -Town events- | ||
4月 | 武蔵野防災会館開館 | March | Opening of Musashino Hall for disaster measurement. | |
一小コンピュータ授業開始 | Mizuho 1st Elementary School started computer class. | |||
瑞穂町第二次行政改革大綱策定 | Mizuho drew up the Outline of the Second Round of Town Administrative Reform. | |||
9月 | 介護保険事業モデル地区に指定 | September | Mizuho was designated as a community for the business model of the long-term care insurance system. | |
12月 | あすなろ児童館等複合施設開館 | December | A combined facility for Asunaro Children's House, etc. opened. | |
残堀川表橋完成 | Omote Bridge over Zanbori River completed. | |||
-社会情勢- | -External events- | |||
4月 | 消費税3パーセントから5パーセントに改正 | April | The consumption tax amended to 5% from 3%. |
平成10年 1998 | -町のできごと- | -Town events- | ||
3月 | 西多摩衛生組合環境センター完成 | March | Nishitama Eiseikumiai (Sanitation Association) environment center completed. | |
4月 | 三小コンピュータ授業開始 | April | Mizuho 3rd Elementary School started computer classes. | |
5月 | 全国瑞穂町交流会「大規模災害時における相互支援に関する協定」締結 | May | Nation-wide Mizuho towns' exchange meeting concluded "Agreement on mutual assistance in the event of a major disaster". | |
7月 | 町案内図の発行 | July | Town guide map published. | |
9月 | 戸籍事務のコンピュータ処理開始 | September | Computer processing of the family register began. | |
財務会計システム導入 | Financial accounting system introduced. | |||
10月 | 瑞穂町ホームページ開始 | October | Mizuho opened a homepage on the internet. | |
-社会情勢- | -External events- | |||
2月 | 第18回冬季オリンピック長野大会開催 | February | The 18th Winter Olympics Games held in Nagano, Japan. | |
6月 | サッカーW杯日本初出場 | June | Japan’s debut in the Soccer World Cup. | |
11月 | 多摩都市モノレール開業 (上北台~立川北) | November | Tokyo Tama Intercity Monorail started operation (Kamikitadai-Tachikawa North). |
平成11年 1999 | -町のできごと- | -Town events- | ||
3月 | 瑞穂町男女平等行動計画策定 | March | Mizuho drew up its gender equality action plan. | |
4月 | 二小、四小、五小コンピュータ授業開始 | April | Computer classes started at Mizuho 2nd, 4th and 5th Elementary Schools. | |
特別養護老人ホーム「良友園」開所 | "Ryoyuen" special elderly nursing home opened. | |||
知的障害者入所更生施設「瑞学園」開所 | Opening of "Mizuki Gakuen" residential rehabilitation facility for the mentally handicapped. | |||
7月 | 瑞穂町在宅介護支援センター「たかさわ」開所 | July | "Takasawa" Mizuho home care support center opened. | |
10月 | 介護認定の申請受付開始 | October | Began accepting applications for nursing certification. | |
全国瑞穂町交流会発足10周年 | Nation-wide Mizuho Towns exchange meeting's 10th anniversary since inauguration. | |||
12月 | 瑞穂町営少年サッカー場開設 | December | Mizuho Municipal Youth Soccer Ground opened. | |
-社会情勢- | -External events- | |||
3月 | チャイルドシート義務化 | March | Child car seat made compulsory for safety. | |
4月 | 石原都政誕生 | April | Ishihara metropolitan government inaugurated. | |
5月 | 情報公開法成立 | May | Freedom of Information Act established. |
平成12年 (2000年) | -町のできごと- | -Town events- | ||
3月 | 高齢者保健福祉計画・介護保険事業計画の策定 | March | Health and Welfare Plan for the Elderly and a Long-term Care Insurance Project Plan were formulated. | |
残堀川地蔵橋・吉野橋完成 | Jizo Bridge and Yoshino Bridge over Zanbori River completed. | |||
特別養護老人ホーム「フラワープラム」開所 | "Flower Plum" special elderly nursing home opened. | |||
4月 | 介護保険制度スタート | April | Long-term care insurance system started. | |
町民農園開園 | Mizuho Residents' Farm Opened. | |||
福生病院組合設立 | Fussa Hospital Association founded. | |||
-社会情勢- | -External events- | |||
1月 | 多摩都市モノレール開業 (立川北~多摩センター) | January | Tokyo Tama Intercity Monorail opened (Tachikawa North-Tama Center). | |
6月 | 三宅島雄山噴火 | June | Miyakejima Island’s Mt. Oyama of erupted. |