瑞穂町営第2庭球場新設工事New Construction of Mizuho Municipal 2nd Tennis Courts

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 週休2日制が浸透し、余暇時間の広がりと共にテニスを楽しむ人も増加しました。テニス専用コート(第2庭球場)が、松原中央公園に隣接して建設され、家族やグループでテニスをする人々で賑わっています。The five-day working week system was established, and as leisure time increased, so also did the number of people who enjoy tennis. The 2nd Tennis courts were constructed exclusively for tennis use adjacent to Matsubara Central Park, and were well-patronized by families and groups playing tennis.

所在地瑞穂町箱根ケ崎西松原57番地6Location:57-6 Nishimatsubara, Hakonegasaki, Mizuho, Nishitama District, Tokyo 190-1223
工期平成3年10月1日着工Construction period:Commenced on October 1, 1991
 平成4年3月10日完成Completed on March 10, 1992
構造全天候型テニスコート及び付属施設Structure:All-weather tennis courts and associated facilities
設計監理株式会社 新都市設計事務所Design and supervision:Shintoshi Sekkei Jimusho  (New Urban Design Office) Co., Ltd.
工事請負奥アンツーカ株式会社Construction contractor:Oku En-Tout-Cas Co., Ltd.

建設経費  Construction Expenditure
設計監理費Design and supervision fee6,540,500円6,540,500 yen
工事費Construction cost71,739,500円71,739,500 yen
その他Other280,158,071円280,158,071 yen
合計Total358,438,071円358,438,071 yen
建設財源  Revenue for Construction
国庫補助金National treasury subsidy314,481,000円314,481,000 yen
一般財源General revenue43,957,071円43,957,071 yen
合計Total358,438,071円358,438,071 yen