町立瑞穂第五小学校校庭拡張等工事Mizuho Municipal 5th Elementary School's Schoolyard Expansion Work, etc.

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 狭山丘陵に抱かれた第五小学校は、校庭が他の小学校よりも狭く、校庭の拡張が要望されていました。児童がのびのびと運動できるよう校庭の拡張整備を行いました。一周200メートルのトラック、直線100メートルの走行線がとれ、現在は整備された校庭と丘陵の自然に囲まれ、充実した教育が進められています。Touching on the Sayama Hills, the 5th elementary school had used a smaller schoolyard than other elementary schools, and had been requesting an expansion of its schoolyard. The school ground was enlarged so that the children could freely exercise and play. With a 200-meter round track and 100-meter straight running lanes laid out in the improved schoolyard, all within hilly natural surroundings, a solid and fulfilling education is encouraged.

所在地瑞穂町大字殿ケ谷1160番地Location:1160 Oaza Tonogaya, Mizuho, Nishitama District, Tokyo 190-1212
工期平成5年6月23日着工Construction period:Commenced on June 23, 1993
平成6年3月17日完成Completed on March 17, 1994
工事内容校庭拡張、校庭散水栓設置、体育倉庫撤去、新設Work undertaken: Schoolyard expansion, installation of schoolyard water sprinkler head, removal of the physical education warehouse and reconstruction.
設計監理株式会社アース設計コンサルタントDesign and supervision: Earth Consultant, Inc.
工事請負冨土工多摩支店・奥多摩建設工業共同企業体Construction contractor: Fujikoh Tama Branch and Okutama Construction Industry Consortium.

建設経費  Construction Expenditure
設計監理費Design and supervision fee20,600,000円20,600,000 yen
用地買収費Land acquisition costs407,243,100円407,243,100 yen
工事費Construction cost328,570,000円328,570,000 yen
合計Total756,413,100円756,413,100 yen
建設財源  Revenue for Construction
国庫補助金National treasury subsidy178,113,000円178,113,000 yen
起債Bond issuance112,000,000円112,000,000 yen
一般財源General revenue466,300,100円466,300,100 yen
合計Total756,413,100円756,413,100 yen