瑞穂町心身障害者(児)福祉センター「あゆみ」新築工事New construction of the Mizuho Welfare Center, "Ayumi", for the Handicapped (Children)

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 心身障害者(児)福祉センター「あゆみ」は、心身の障害によって就業が困難な方々の自立と社会参加に必要な訓練や指導を行うため、それまで別々に設置されていた福祉作業所と通所訓練所を併設した施設として開設されました。個別の心身状況に合わせたプログラムに沿って、受注作業、調理実習や買い物実習、日常生活訓練や能力開発訓練などが行われています。A welfare center for the mentally and physically handicapped (children), "Ayumi", was opened as a combined facility with a welfare workshop and day-care training school (both previously separate) whose training and guidance encourage independence and social participation among those whose mental and physical disabilities make employment difficult. Following a program tailored to each individual’s physical and mental needs, the participants are involved in structured work activities, practical cooking and shopping exercises, everyday life self-management training and skills development.

所在地瑞穂町大字石畑2193番地他Location: 2193 Oaza Ishihata, Mizuho, Nishitama District, Tokyo 190-1211
工期平成6年8月2日着工Construction period:Commenced on August 2, 1994
平成7年2月28日完成Completed on February 28, 1995
構造鉄筋コンクリート造2階建Structure: Reinforced concrete, two-story
面積敷地 1,016.13m2Area: Site 1,016.13 m2
建築 305.21m2Building 305.21 m2
延床 546.15m2Total floor 546.15 m2
(1階282.05m2 2階264.10m2)(1st floor 282.05 m2, 2nd floor 264.10 m2)
設計監理石井 昌建築事務所Design and supervision: Ishiisho  Architectural Firm Co., Ltd.
工事請負大木・奥多摩建設共同企業体Construction contractor: Ohki and Okutama Construction Consortium

建設経費  Construction Expenditure
土地鑑定費Land appraisal fee1,159,780円1,159,780 yen
設計監理費Design and supervision fee13,390,000円13,390,000 yen
用地買収費Land acquisition costs120,105,608円120,105,608 yen
工事費Construction cost296,279,500円328,570,000 yen
その他Others226,600円226,600 yen
合計Total431,161,488円431,161,488 yen
建設財源  Revenue for Construction
国庫補助金National treasury subsidy18,113,000円18,113,000 yen
都補助金TMG subsidy150,000,000円150,000,000 yen
一般財源General revenue263,048,488円263,048,488 yen
合計Total431,161,488円431,161,488 yen