第2分団車庫等新築工事New Construction of the 2nd Fire Squad garage, etc.

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 交通量の多い日光街道沿いにあった第2分団車庫は、消防車の出動に支障がでることが懸念されていたことから、車庫と詰所を新築して、機動力が確保されました。一瞬にして人の生命や財産を失うことすらある火事は、日頃から「火の用心」が肝心です。また、災害時の地域協力は、欠かせません。Since the 2nd branch garage was on the traffic-dense Nikko Kaido Road, the concern was that fire engine reaction to calls could be hampered. Now that the garage and the crew station have been recently rebuilt, their ready response is assured. Since fire can rapidly kill a person and destroy property, it is vital that the message "guard against fire!" is a daily priority. As well, regional cooperation is essential for coping with a disaster.

所在地瑞穂町大字箱根ケ崎93番地1Location: 93-1 Oaza Hakonegasaki, Mizuho, Nishitama District, Tokyo 190-1221
工期平成6年8月2日着工Construction period:Commenced on August 2, 1994
平成7年2月15日完成Completed on February 15, 1995
構造鉄筋コンクリート造2階建Structure: Reinforced concrete, two-story
面積敷地 263.63m2Area: Site 263.63 m2
建築 68.87m2Building 68.87 m2
延床 121.08m2Total floor 121.08 m2
(1階60.54m2 2階60.54m2)(1st floor 60.54 m2, 2nd floor 60.54 m2)
設計監理株式会社雄建築事務所Design and supervision: Yu Architectural Firm Co., Ltd.
工事請負株式会社桜和建設Construction contractor: Ouwa Construction Co., Ltd.

建設経費  Construction Expenditure
設計監理費Design and supervision fee4,264,200円4,264,200 yen
工事費Construction cost44,805,000円44,805,000 yen
合計Total49,069,200円49,069,200 yen
建設財源  Revenue for Construction
都補助金TMG subsidy30,000,000円30,000,000 yen
一般財源General revenue19,069,200円19,069,200 yen
合計Total49,069,200円49,069,200 yen