鉄筋2階建の武蔵野防災会館は、地下に防火水槽、1階を武蔵野地区の防災用備蓄倉庫及び武蔵野自衛消防隊、交通安全推進協議会第6支部の緊急時詰所として、2階は非常災害時の被災者に対する緊急一時避難場所として利用するために建設されました。武蔵野地区の地域防災の拠点として、また日頃の備えの大切さを地域に知らせる役割を果たしています。 | Musashino Disaster Prevention Hall, a two-story reinforced concrete building with a basement, was built for multi-purpose use. The first floor serves as a stockpile warehouse for disaster prevention in the Musashino area, and also as an emergency crew room for the Musashino Fire Brigade and Traffic Safety Promotion Council Branch 6, whereas the second floor is used as a temporary emergency shelter for victims in a time of disaster. A fire protection water tank is installed in the basement. It plays a key role as a base for regional disaster prevention in the Musashino district and also in alerting the community to the importance of daily vigilance about the threat of disaster. |