耕心館は、江戸末期から明治初期に建てられた民家で、周囲に塀をめぐらし、豪壮な母屋と二棟の土蔵からなります。この邸宅は、屋敷林に囲まれ、武蔵野の旧家のたたずまいを残しています。 130年を経た今、館名が示すように「心やすらいで、また古と芸術文化に触れ、人のこころを豊かにする」施設となります。 | Koshinkan Hall was originally built as a private house in the period between the late Edo to the early Meiji. It consists of a magnificent main building and two traditional Japanese storehouses with a fireproof mud wall, all of which are surrounded by a roofed-wall fence with a roofed gate of the period. The mansion is surrounded by a small grove of wind-break trees, retaining the appearance of a residence of an old family, typical of the Musashino region. With the passing of more than 130 years, it has now transformed into a facility, as its name suggests, "where one can relax and experience mind-enriching history, art and culture". |