みずほ50年 Mizuho's 50 years

目次 Contents

[表紙] [Cover]

町制施行50周年を迎えて On the Town Establishment 50th Anniversary

プロフィール Profile

目で見る時の流れ Pictorial Timeline of Mizuho

目次 Contents

わがまちのおいたち Our Town’s Background

原始時代 The Prehistoric Period

古代 Ancient times

中世 The Medieval Era

近世 The Early Modern Era

明治時代 Meiji Era

大正時代 Taisho Era

昭和初期(町制施行前) Early Days of the Showa Era (before the town system was established)

瑞穂50年の軌跡 Tracing 50 years of Mizuho History

町制施行、瑞穂町誕生 Born with the Town establishment

町制施行、瑞穂町誕生。世は戦時下へ Born with the Town establishment, Mizuho Town saw the world consumed by war

瑞穂町の誕生について About the birth of Mizuho town

昭和20年代 Showa 20s (1945-1954)

終戦、混乱の中で新たな出発 The End of the War, and a New Start from the Middle of Chaos

瑞穂中学が出来た頃 The time when Mizuho Junior High School was established

昭和30年代 Showa 30s (1955-1964)

変革のうねり、生まれ変わる町 Surge of Change and the Town’s Rebirth

揺れた町村合併 The merger that shook the town and village

昭和40年代 Showa 40s (1965-1974)

進む施設整備、生活にゆとりを求めて Progress in Developing Community Facilities in Pursuit of a Comfortable Life

八高線の思い出 Memories of the Hachikō Line

昭和50年代 Showa 50s (1975-1984)

クリーンな基盤の充実に駆け足 Rapidly Improving the Infrastructure for a Clean Environment

進む区画整理 Continuing progress in land readjustment

昭和60年代~平成 Showa 60s (1985-1988) and Heisei era (1989-)

新しい時代をめざして Towards a New Era

歴代町長・議長 Former Mayors and Chairmen

歴代町長 Former Mayors

歴代議長 Former Chairmen

人口・世帯数、一般会計予算額の推移 Population and Household Numbers, and the General Account Budget

瑞穂町歌・瑞穂音頭 Mizuho Town Song・Mizuho, Ondo (Dancing song)

[瑞穂町歌] [Mizuho Town Song]

[瑞穂音頭] [Mizuho, Ondo (Dancing song) ]

[町の花・町の鳥・町の木] [Town Flower,Town Bird,Town Tree]

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