瑞穂町長 関谷 久
Hisashi Sekiya, Mayor of Mizuho
昭和15年箱根ヶ崎外3ヶ村組合を発展的に解消して、瑞穂町ができて、満50年がたちました。町制施行については、紀元2600年の記念事業的な意味もありましたが、当時の石塚組合長の英断によるところが大きかったといえます。 | Fully 50 years have passed since the union of four villages, including Hakonegasaki, were progressively dissolved and absorbed into Mizuho Town in 1940. The decision to create this new town organization was prompted not only to commemorate the 2600th anniversary of the reign of the first emperor, Jimmu, but also by the farsighted decision of Ishizuka Association’s then-president. |
町名については、なかなか決め難いので、時の岡田東京府知事に命名していただきました。 | Since it was rather difficult to decide what to call the town, we asked Governor Okada of the then Tokyo prefecture to designate a name. |
戦争の痛手の中で実施した六三制、農地改革、自治警察等に努力された村山為輔、吉岡伊助町長。飛行場拡張、元狭山村合併に苦慮された原島町長。基盤整備の基を築かれた石塚町長、ゴミ戦争の体験から、心のふれ合いを大切にし、「クリーンみずほ」の実現や公共施設の整備に努力された両吉岡町長等、時代のうごき、社会の変化に対応して町づくりに当られた方々の指導と、町議会をはじめ、町民各位が深い理解と力強い支援を惜まなかったればこそ、今日の瑞穂町が築かれたものと確信いたし、心から敬意と感謝をささげるものであります。 | Responding to the wartime hardships, compulsory education switched to the six-plus-three years system, agricultural land reform was undertaken and municipal police force, etc., set up through the efforts of two mayors, Tamesuke Murayama and Isuke Yoshioka. Mayor Harashima worked hard to overcome the challenges of the airfield expansion and the merger with Moto-Sayama village. Mayor Ishizuka laid the foundation for infrastructure development, and two mayors, S. Yoshioka and G. Yoshioka, helped develop public facilities and launched the "Clean Mizuho" program to benefit the close-knit community, drawing upon his intense struggle over garbage processing and waste treatment. Thanks to the leadership of these mayors in building the town in a way that met the needs of the time, together with the support of the town council as well as the enthusiastic and appreciative backing of all our townsfolk, I believe that today's Mizuho town is solidly established, and for that achievement I hereby express my sincere respect and gratitude. |
この小冊子の中からその足跡を偲び、来るべき21世紀の瑞穂を予測し、町づくりの課題発見につとめたいと考えています。 | This booklet is a tribute to their achievements, which offer us a vision of Mizuho's place in the 21st century and invite us to identify and tackle the challenges required to make this an even better town. |
横田基地問題、マイタウン東京建設の影響等町をとりまく環境は甚だ厳しいものがあります。その時々の選択に最善をつくし、瑞穂町に誇りと愛着がもてるよう共に努力いたしましょう。 | As for the factors affecting our town, including such issues as the Yokota Air Base and the impact of My Town Tokyo construction, we are facing testing challenges. Let us do our best, working together, to identify the right answer each time a decision is to be made, so that we can maintain our pride and sense of affection for our town. |
平成2年11月 | November, 1990 |
表紙写真は瑞穂ビューパーク・スカイホール | Cover photo of Mizuho View Park Sky Hall |