原始時代The Prehistoric Period

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 食料や飲み水の得やすい狭山丘陵のふもとには、原始時代から人びとが住んでいました。 From prehistoric times people lived at the foot of the Sayama Hill, where food and drinking water were plentiful.
 写真は、狭山神社南の低地で発掘された竪穴式住居跡で、今から約5000年前のものと推定され、当時の人が使った土器や石器も発見されました。 The photo (right) shows the remains of a pit house which was excavated in the lowlands south of the Sayama shrine. It is estimated to be some 5,000 years old and pottery and stone tools used by the people of that time have also been discovered.

Sayama ruins