外国の文化の影響をうけ、民主主義や、文学、風俗にもモダンさが流行しました。一方護憲政治、米騒動、第一次世界大戦、関東大震災、不況等灰色の時代でもありました。 | Responding to the impact of western culture, the widespread drive to modernise shaped democracy and literature, and also manners and customs. On the other hand, it was also a time of less happy developments, such as the movement to protect constitution, the rice riots, the First World War, the Great Kanto Earthquake, and the recession. |
井戸水の浅い石畑を中心に明治末から大正初期に腸チフスが猛威をふるい、軒並病人を抱え、各村では避病舎を人家から離れたところにつくりました。 | From the late Meiji era to the early Taisho era, because typhoid became widespread mainly in the Ishihata area, where shallow water wells were common, so each village where sickness was prevalent built an isolation facility away from the houses. |
石畑避病舎 Ishihata isolation facility | 石畑養蚕農家 (古川家、大正初期) Sericulture farmers in Ishihata (Furukawa Family, in the early Taisho era) |
税金や、肥料代等の支払いのため現金を得る必要があり、養蚕が盛んに行われました。 | Sericulture flourished as a way to generate the cash required for items such as taxes and fertilizer bills. |
畑の大半は桑畑となり、家の中は蚕を飼うために寝る場所もない程でした。 | Most of the crop fields were given over to mulberry cultivation, to the extent that cultivating more silkworms indoors meant there was not even enough space to sleep. |
農産物のくずを飼料に利用し、糞尿は肥料になる等養豚も農家の副業として盛んになりました。養豚組合をつくり経営の合理化につとめました。 | Pig farming began to flourish as a sideline business by utilizing agricultural waste as feed and manure as fertilizer. The farmers formed a pig farmers' association to streamline management of the business. |
Pig farmers association office in Ishihata Village
借金に苦しむ農家は信用組合をつくり、相互金融を行ったり共同購買等を行いました。 | Debt-burdened farmers formed a credit union, and introduced mutual financing, joint purchasing, etc. |
町の金融機関も現われましたが、不況の中で運営は大変苦しいものでした。 | Financial institutions also appeared in the town, but their operation was hit hard by the recession. |
狭山商業銀行 Sayama Commercial Bank | 武蔵野尋常高等小学校卒業記念 (校長、佐藤兵吾氏、大正6年頃) Musashino senior elementary school graduation commemoration (principal, Mr. Hyogo Sato, circa 1917) |
武蔵野尋常高等小学校(現瑞一小)高等科の生徒と教員と学務委員の卒業記念写真です。高等科まで行けた人は極少数で、特に女子は六年で卒業して家事の手伝いをさせられました。 | The photo (left) was taken to commemorate the graduation of the senior course of Musashino Senior Elementary School (present the First Mizuho Elementary School), and shows here the students, faculty and school board members. Only very few were able to advance to senior elementary school, with girls in particular having to help with housework after reaching the six years graduation point. |
大正9年、行政の近代化と能率化をめざし、新しく役場庁舎をつくることにしました。組合役場のため、石畑、殿ヶ谷の関係を考慮し、小学校北側に計画したところ箱根ヶ崎の人達の中から東にかたよりすぎると反対の声が起こり、村を二分するさわぎとなりましたが、大正12年ようやく完成しました。 | In 1920, it was decided to build a new village office building with the aim of modernizing and streamlining administration. The building was planned to be on the north side of the elementary school, reflecting the fact that it was the site of the association office and also the relationship with Ishihata and Tonogaya. However, the objection raised by the people of Hakonegasaki was that the location was too eastern-sided, almost dividing the village. Nevertheless the building was finally completed in 1923. |
町制施行もここで実現し、現庁舎移転まで約40年間役場となりました。 | The town system was established there, and it served as the office building for some 40 years until the relocation to the current building. |
The association office for Hakonegasaki and three other villages