終戦、混乱の中で新たな出発The End of the War, and a New Start from the Middle of Chaos

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 昭和20年(1945年)、松の根から油を採って飛行機を飛ばそうとしていた日本は、8月に降伏をし、四年半にわたる戦争は終結しました。食糧難やもの不足などの困窮生活はなかなか回復しませんでしたが、敗戦と米軍の進駐により政治や生活が根本から大きく変わっていきました。 In August, 1945, at a time when attempts were being made to extract oil from pine roots to keep aircraft flying, Japan surrendered, and the four-and-a-half year war ended. In these impoverished conditions, such problems as food shortages and lack of materials were not easily overcome and life and politics were changed fundamentally by the defeat and the subsequent US occupation.
 多摩飛行場は進駐軍に接収され、横田基地となり、その後敷地の拡張が続きました。 The Tama Airfield was requisitioned by the occupation forces and became the Yokota Air Base, followed by the continued expansion of this site thereafter.
 公職追放は市町村にも及び、国民学校は小学校にもどり、新制中学校ができました。新憲法が発布され、女性が初めて選挙で投票しました。警防団を廃し消防団を結成、自治体警察も誕生しています。 Under the new system, changes implemented included the purge of officials from the civil service affected municipalities, the return of the national elementary school system to elementary schools, and the founding of junior high schools. The new constitution was enacted and women voted in elections for the first time. With the abolishing of the Keibodan (civil defense volunteer unit), the Shobodan (volunteer firefighting unit) was formed, and a municipal police force also came into being.
 24年には青梅・荻窪間の青梅街道を東京バスが走り、同年には箱根ヶ崎・福生間にもバスが開通しました。 In 1949, Tokyo Bus ran on Ome-kaido Road between Ome and Ogikubo, and in the same year a bus service also opened between Hakonegasaki and Fussa.
 25年には朝鮮戦争が勃発し、産業経済が活気をもつようになりました。28年には青梅信用金庫の支店が開設されました。 In 1950, the Korean War broke out, and with that the industrial economy was reinvigorated. In 1953, a branch of Ome Shinkin Bank (a credit union) was opened.


Commemoration of the launch of the municipal police force
(circa 1948)

Mizuho Junior High School at the time of its founding

Nagaoka Elementary School
(present Mizuho Second Elementary School, 1948)
Compulsory delivery of crops to the government
(at Hakonegasaki Station)

Fire watchtower
(Hakonegasaki, circa 1948)

Cedar-lined avenue at Azusamiten Shrine
(half of these trees were destroyed by Typhoon Kitty in 1948, and all the remainder lost during Typhoon Vera in 1959)

Year (CE)

内  容Contents
昭和20年(1945)8広島・長崎に原爆投下、ポツダム宣言Atomic bombs fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, followed by the Potsdam Declaration.
9占領軍、飛行場を接収し、横田基地となるThe occupation forces requisitioned the airfield, which became Yokota Air Base
21年(1946)10農地委員会、選挙管理委員会設置Setting up of the farmland committee and an election administration commission
11日本国憲法公布The Constitution of Japan was enacted.
22年(1947)4瑞穂第一、第二国民学校が第一小学校、第二小学校に改称The First and Second Mizuho National Elementary Schools were renamed as The First and Second Mizuho Elementary Schools.
瑞穂中学校設置、5月5日開校Mizuho Junior High School was founded, opening on May 5.
5初の町長、町会議員の公選執行されるThe public election for the office of mayor and the town council members was held for the first time.
11警防団を廃し、消防団となるA Shobodan (volunteer firefighting unit) was formed by abolishing the Keibodan (civil defense volunteer unit).
23年(1948)1帝銀事件Teikoku Bank (Teigin) Incident occurred.
5瑞穂中学校独立校舎落成Mizuho Junior High School's independent building was completed.
11極東軍事裁判判決The rulings of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East were delivered.
24年(1949)1瑞穂中学校内に都立農林高校瑞穂分校開設Tokyo Metropolitan Agriculture and Forestry High School's Mizuho branch school opened within Mizuho Junior High School.
9瑞穂町公民館落成Mizuho Community Center was completed.
25年(1950)6朝鮮戦争勃発The Korean War broke out.
26年(1951)3六道山、狭山池を都立狭山自然公園に指定Mt. Rokudo and Sayama Pond were designated as the Tokyo Metropolitan Sayama Nature Park.
9日米安全保障条約調印US-Japan Security Treaty was signed.
27年(1952)2狭山火葬場組合設立Sayama crematorium association was established.
11瑞穂町教育委員会発足Mizuho Board of Education was inaugurated.
28年(1953)2テレビ放送開始Television broadcasting started.
29年(1954)4埼玉県元狭山村より合併申し入れ、8月受諾の回答A merger was proposed by Moto-Sayama village of Saitama Prefecture, which Mizuho accepted.

昭和20年代  Showa 20s (1945-1954)

A festival float from Isihata and Tonogaya
(in front of Ishihata Jizodo hall, circa 1948).

Mizuho-machi/Town Community Center

Nagaoka Young Women's Association's Nagaoka folk dance

A Hackberry tree remained after Ipponsugi
(the single ceder tree) (1953)

Ishihata firefighting pump

Commemoration of the completion of the Yoshino Bridge