鈴木 達雄
Tatsuo Suzuki
私は、大学卒と同時に八王子の女学校の国語の教師をしていましたが、新制中学校が出来るので、先生に来てくれないかと誘われ、開校当初から勤めさせてもらいました。 | I had been a Japanese language teacher at the girls' high school in Hachioji since graduating from university, but with an offer to teach at a new junior high school to operate under the new system, I worked there right from its opening. |
開校は昭和22年4月でしたが、第一小学校西側の8教室を借りて授業をしました。 | Although the opening of the school was in April 1947, we taught in the eight temporary rented classrooms in the western part of the First Elementary School. |
3年生1クラス、1・2年生が3クラスでしたが、男女を同じ教室に入れるのに骨を折りました。 | While there was one class for the third grade and three classes for the first and second grades, respectively, we made quite an effort to put boys and girls in the same classroom. |
教科書も新聞紙風の粗末なもので、食糧も少ないので、長岡以外の生徒は昼食は家に帰って食べました。 | Due to a paper shortage, textbooks were poorly made using paper similar to that for newspapers. Food was also scarce, students other than those from Nagaoka went home for lunch. |
それでも、日本の復興は教育からと、雨宮金平氏をPTA会長に選び、町にかけ合って、帝国無線の跡地(現町営グランド)を入手し、植木等各家庭からもらって学校らしく整え、第1回卒業生を新校舎から送り出しました。 | Still, believing that Japan's reconstruction would be founded on education, we chose Mr. Kimpei Amemiya as PTA president, and talked to the town to secure the former Teikoku-Musen (Imperial Wireless Co.) site (the current Municipal Sports Ground). Subsequently, we reconfigured the place to be more school-like by having plants brought from homes, and successfully sent out the first graduates from the new school building. |
自分で考え、協力して問題を解決する生徒を育てるという方針で、図書館教育や生徒活動には特に力を入れ、昭和24年度には東京都全中学校対象に研究発表をし、注目されました。 | Our educational policy was to raise students who could think for themselves and cooperatively solve problems, and we put special emphasis on the library education and student activities. In the 1949 school year, the students presented their research which at time drew praise across all junior high schools in Tokyo. |
朝鮮戦争の影響で基地が学校近くまで拡張されたので、射撃場を返してもらって現在地に移りました。 | Since the air base had expanded into the school neighborhood as a consequence of the Korean War, we requested the return of the firing range where the school now stands. |
新しい気持を吹きこもうと校歌が当代一流の先生の作詞作曲でつくられ、校旗やブラスバンド部もでき、新しい校舎にふさわしい教育が展開されるようになりました。 | To lift our spirits, a school song was created by a first-class songwriter and composer of that time. In addition, a school flag was designed and a brass band club formed. As a result, we were now able to develop the level of education appropriate for our new school building. |
(元瑞穂中学校教諭) | (Former teacher of Mizuho Junior High School) |