進む施設整備、生活にゆとりを求めてProgress in Developing Community Facilities in Pursuit of a Comfortable Life

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 昭和40年代にはいると横田基地の騒音防止のため、小学校などの防音工事が次々と完成していきます。 During the decade starting from 1965, in an effort to minimize noise from Yokota Air Base, there was a continuing progression of sound insulation works completed for elementary schools, etc.
 しかし、戦後も四半世紀を過ぎ、各種の施設整備も急ピッチで進められ、ゆとりある生活を求めた行政が進行していった時代でもあります。 However, with a quarter of a century elapsed since World War II, the government now turned its attention to lifting the general quality of life through a rapid development of facilities of various types.
 上水道施設や歩道橋、町民会館、小学校や保育園等の新設、狭山谷公園プール、福祉会館、図書館、保健センターなどがオープンし、また、道路の舗装や整備、遺跡の発掘調査も進められました。 New constructions, such as the waterworks, footbridge, town hall, elementary schools and nurseries were undertaken, and the facilities such as the Sayama Valley Park Pool, welfare center, library, and the health center were opened. In addition, paving and maintenance/development of roads, and also excavations of local ruins were pushed forward.
 昭和45年には町制施行30周年を迎え、八高線から蒸気機関車が消え、人口が2万人になったのもこの時代のことです。 In 1970, we celebrated the Town establishment 30th anniversary. During this era, steam locomotives disappeared from the Hachiko Line, and the population now reached 20,000.


Mizuho farm co-op stand
(circa 1965)

Ippon Enoki
(a single hackberry tree)
(destroyed by the typhoon of 1966)

Rally of entire townsfolk for road safety

The Municipal Pool
(present Municipal Sports Ground, 1967)

Hakonegasaki Station footbridge completed

Town hall completion

The 10th townsfolk sports festival

Construction of new human-waste treatment plant
(Nishitama Sanitary Association, 1969)

Year (CE)

内  容Contents
昭和40年(1965)4都立瑞穂農芸高校創立Tokyo Metropolitan Mizuho Nogei (Agriculture) Senior High School was founded
町章制定Town's emblem was introduced
41年(1966)4社会福祉協議会設立Council of Social Welfare established
42年(1967)4第一小学校分校開校するThe First Elementary School branch opened.
6第3次中東戦争起こるThe Third Middle-East War broke out.
43年(1968)4第一小学校分校が瑞穂第四小学校として独立The First Elementary School branch became independent, to be known as Mizuho Fourth Elementary School.
11町民会館完成Town hall completed.
12狭山遺跡発掘調査Excavation of Sayama prehistoric site.
44年(1969)3瑞穂中学校講堂完成Mizuho Junior High School auditorium completed.
7アポロ11号初の月面着陸Apollo 11 achieved the first lunar landing
45年(1970)3日本万国博覧会開催World Exposition was held Japan.
4ごみ、し尿処理手数料、火葬料無料化実施Collection of fees for garbage and human waste processing was introduced, and the cremation fee was abolished with this service now free of charge.
水道管理事務所完成The water system management office building was completed.
11町制30周年記念式典The 30th anniversary ceremony for the Town establishment was held.
12市街化区域、市街化調整区域決定するUrbanization-promoted areas and urbanization-controlled areas were designated.
46年(1971)4石畑保育園開園Ishihata Nursery Opened.
羽村、瑞穂学校給食組合設立Hamura and Mizuho School Lunch Service Association was founded.
7新青梅街道国道16号線まで開通New Ome-Kaido Road opened up to National Route 16
8ドルショックThe US dollar crisis occurred.
47年(1972)2冬季オリンピック札幌大会Winter Olympics were held in Sapporo.
3狭山谷公園プール完成Sayama Valley Park Pool completed
福生消防署瑞穂出張所業務開始Fussa Fire Department Mizuho branch started operating.
6福祉会館開館Welfare Center opened.
9日中国交正常化Diplomatic ties between Japan and China were restored.
48年(1973)3町指定文化財発表The town-designated cultural properties were announced.
4むさしの保育園開園Musashino Nursery Opened.
第四小学校学童保育クラブ開所The Fourth Elementary School After-School Child Care Club Opened.
産業会館・長岡会館開館Industrial Center and Nagaoka Hall opened.
6有線放送電話自動化Cable broadcasting telephone system automated.
8図書館開館Mizuho Town Library opened.
10第1次石油危機(オイルショック)The first Oil Crisis.
122万人目の町民誕生The 20,000th inhabitant was born.
49年(1974)2公共下水道事業計画決定Public sewer project plan was drawn up.
3農業振興地域の指定受けるThe town was designated as an area for the promotion of agriculture.
6上水道事業、都営一元化になるThe water supply and sewerage systems became centralized under the management of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
8西部土地区画整理事業計画決定The Western District Land Readjustment Project plan was drawn up.
瑞穂町歌・音頭を制定The Mizuho Town Song and the Dance Song were introduced.
9保健センター開館The Health Center opened

昭和40年代  Showa 40s (1965-1974)

Town panorama viewed from Mt. O-Ise
(circa 1970)

Mizuho Town Library opened

Water Management office building completed


Ome Kaido Road before its widening
(circa 1970)

The last steam locomotive (SL) of the Hachiko Line