クリーンな基盤の充実に駆け足Rapidly Improving the Infrastructure for a Clean Environment

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 川砂利採取が禁止されると、昔の多摩川の河床であった町内の畑や山林を掘って砂利を求める業者が現われました。 When the river gravel mining was prohibited, traders appeared who dug for gravel in the town's crop fields and forests which had once been part of the Tama River’s riverbed.
 経済活動の活発化に伴い、ゴミの大量な発生が問題となり、砂利穴は手頃の処分場と目をつけられ、各地からダンプに満載されたゴミが持ちこまれ、悪臭、ハエ、有害鳥の発生、水質汚染が問題となりました。「クリーンみずほ」を合言葉にゴミ分別収集、産業廃棄物対策が進められました。 With the acceleration of economic activity, the large amount of waste being generated became a problem. The gravel pits were viewed as handy disposal sites and dump trucks fully laden with garbage came from all over the district. As a result, there were significant problems with the stench, flies, nuisance-causing birds, and water pollution. Under the banner of "Clean Mizuho", we started a presorted-garbage collection, and pushed forward with industrial waste measures.
 53年には「心のふれあう町をつくろう」をキャッチフレーズにした〈瑞穂町まちづくり総合計画〉がスタート。スポーツや文化の振興、クリーンな環境の整備をテーマに、郷土資料館・むさしの子供の家・むさしの会館などの会館や、中央体育館・町営グランドナイター施設オープン、町の花木鳥の決定、クリーンみずほセンターの開所、文化の森「六道山公園」開園、狭山池公園整備工事着工など、具体的な事業が積み重ねられてゆきます。 In 1978, the "Mizuho town development comprehensive plan" was started under the banner: "Let's make this the town where people come together".Under the theme of promoting sports and culture and developing a clean environment, we made continuing progress on various specific projects. Those new developments were: opening of the Kyo-do Museum (Museum of Local History and Culture) , Musashino Children’s House, Musashino Hall, the Central Gymnasium, Municipal Sports Ground night game facility, the Clean Mizuho Center and the forest-culture "Mt. Rokudo Park"; designating the town's symbols (flowers, trees, and a bird); and the development of Sayama Pond Park.
 また、西部地区の土地区画整理事業も進められました。 In addition, the land readjustment project in the western district was also pushed forward.


Start of the Western District Land Readjustment Project and construction work

Central Gymnasium completed

Mizuho Second Junior High School completed

As part of the Clean Mizuho Campaign, presorted garbage collection started

Musashino Children's House completed

Clean Mizuho Center Opened

Year (CE)

内  容Contents
昭和50年(1975)7中央体育館開館Central Gymnasium opened
51年(1976)2ロッキード事件の国会証人喚問The witnesses of the Lockheed bribery scandals were summoned to testify in the Diet.
4瑞穂第二中学校開校Mizuho Second Junior High School opened.
ごみ投棄差し止め仮処分申請書提出Application was filed for the provisional disposition on the waste dumping injunction.
7南北ベトナム統一Unification of North and South Vietnam
10廃棄物処分地全面解決Waste Disposal Sites dispute was fully resolved.
12ごみ分別収集モデル地区設立A model area was established for presorted-garbage collection.
52年(1977)4新青梅街道立体交差が開通A crossing with an overpass for the New Ome Kaido Road was opened.
5クリーンみずほ作戦、全町にてごみ分別収集開始As part of the Clean Mizuho Campaign, the presorted-garbage collection was started across the whole town.
石畑会館・箱根ヶ崎中央会館開館Ishihata Hall and Hakonegasaki Central Hall opened.
領海12カイリ法・漁業水域200カイリ暫定措置法成立Interim measures were established under the Territorial Sea Law (territorial waters now extended to 12 nautical miles and fishing waters to 200 nautical miles).
6心のふれあうまちづくり推進会議発足A council was organized to promote "Let's make this the town where people come together".
11郷土資料館開館Kyo-do Museum (Museum of Local History and Culture) Opened.
53年(1978)1心のふれあうまちづくり基本構想素案に答申~まちづくり推進会議The council promoting the "Let's make this the town where people come together" campaign presented its draft plan for the basic town design.
町の花・木・鳥決定The town's symbol flower, tree, and bird were designated.
3まちづくり基本構想議決The basic town development plan was voted in.
4第五小学校開校The Fifth Elementary School opened
むさしの子供の家開館Musashino Children's House opened
5むさしの会館開館Musashino Hall Opened.
クリーンみずほセンター開所Clean Mizuho Center Opened
8日中平和友好条約調印Signing of Japan-China Treaty of Peace and Friendship.
54年(1979)3町営グランド・テニスコート完成Municipal Sports Ground's Tennis Court completed.
5英国でサッチャー女史が首相就任Mrs. Thatcher was appointed as the UK’s Prime Minister
6瑞穂武道館開館 Mizuho Budokan (Martial Arts) Hall opened.
8公共下水道一部地域で使用開始Public sewerage system started operation in some areas.
55年(1980)4箱根ヶ崎北会館開館Hakonegasaki North Hall opened
7モスクワ・オリンピック Moscow Olympics
56年(1981)2リサイクルシステム全国研究集会開催Nationwide study meeting held to look at a recycling system.
4町営グランドナイター施設オープンMunicipal Sports Ground night game facility opened.
6狭山火葬場組合斎場開所 Sayama crematorium association opened a funeral hall.
8農畜産物直売所開所Venue opened for the direct sale of agricultural and livestock produce
長岡南会館開館Nagaoka South Hall opened
57年(1982)3瑞穂町総合土地利用基本計画調査報告書完成A report was completed on an investigation into the basic plan for Mizuho Town’s comprehensive land use.
7中国が教科書検定問題で正式抗議China officially protested about the issue of Japan’s authorization of its history textbooks.
58年(1983)3公共下水道駒形ポンプ場完成Komagata public sewer pump station was completed
4第一小学校学童保育クラブ開所The First Elementary School After-School Child Care Club Opened.
福祉作業所開所Welfare work shop opened
防災行政無線移動系開局Mobile emergency broadcast system launched.
新庁舎開庁A new town office building opened.
5文化の森「六道山公園」開園Forest of culture, "Mt. Rokudo Park" opened.
9狭山池公園整備工事着手Sayama Pond Park construction was launched.
大韓航空機がソ連軍機に撃墜されるA Korean Air Lines airliner was shot down by Soviet military aircraft.
59年(1984)7ロサンゼルス・オリンピックLos Angeles Olympics
8窓口事務にコンピューター導入The computer system was introduced for the over-the-counter service.
10瑞穂町高齢者事業団発足Mizuho Aged Welfare Agency launched

昭和50年代  Showa 50s (1975-1984)

Partially completed Municipal Nishimatsubara housing

Aged Welfare Agency launched.

Public sewer system began to operate in some areas

Municipal Sports Ground's Tennis Court completion

Mizuho Budokan opened

Forest of culture, "Mt. Rokudo Park" opened.