年(西暦) Year (CE) | 月 Month | 内 容 | Contents |
昭和60年(1985) | 4 | 防災行政無線固定系開局 | Emergency broadcast system began operation. |
| 5 | 町おこし運動実施 | Town revitalization movement was carried out. |
| 〃 | 男女雇用機会均等法成立 | The Equal Employment Opportunity Law established. |
| 6 | 瑞穂町行政改革審議会設置 | Installation of Mizuho Administrative Reform Council. |
61年(1986) | 2 | マルコス政権崩壊 | Marcos regime collapsed in the Philippines. |
| 3 | 瑞穂町行政改革大綱を策定 | Mizuho administrative reform outline was drawn up. |
| 〃 | 都市計画道路2.3.2号御伊勢山通り線新青梅街道まで開通 | The Ise-dori route of the City Planning Road No. 2.3.2 connect to New Ome Kaido Road. |
| 4 | 狭山池公園開園 | Sayama Pond Park Opened. |
| 〃 | 第三小学校学童保育クラブ開所 | The Third Elementary School After-School Child Care Club Opened. |
| 〃 | 箱根ヶ崎西会館開館 | Hakonegasaki West Hall opened |
| 〃 | チェルノブイリ原発事故 | Chernobyl nuclear accident occurred. |
| 5 | 東京サミット | Tokyo Summit. |
| 7 | 図書館にコンピュータ導入 | The library’s computer system was introduced |
| 12 | 防衛費が、GPN1%枠を突破 | The defense budget exceeded the ceiling limit of 1% of GNP. |
62年(1987) | 3 | 瑞穂町行政改革審議会答申 | Mizuho Town Administrative Reform Council report. |
| 4 | 駒形公園開園 | Komagata Park Opened. |
| 〃 | レーガン・ゴルバチョフ会談 | Reagan-Gorbachev talks were held. |
| 5 | 瑞穂町通所訓練所開所 | Opening of the Mizuho Day Care Training Center for the handicapped. |
| 9 | 瑞穂町交通安全の町宣言議決 | Mizuho's declaration for town traffic safety was voted in. |
| 11 | 御伊勢山運動公園着手 | Mt. O-Ise Sports Park construction started. |
| 12 | 国鉄分割・民営化、JRグループ発足 | Japanese National Railways was broken up and privatized, followed by the establishment of Japan Railway (JR) group |
63年(1988) | 2 | 殿ヶ谷会館に図書室開設 | Library opened in Tonogaya Hall |
| 3 | 福生伝染病組合廃止 | The Infectious Diseases Association linked to Fussa Hospital. was dissolved. |
| 〃 | アメニティトイレ完成(町営グランド) | Full-amenity restroom was completed (Municipal Sports Ground). |
| 4 | 第二小学校学童保育クラブ開所 | The Second Elementary School After-School Child Care Club Opened. |
| 5 | 国道16号線(福生市熊川~瑞穂町石畑)4.25㎞拡幅工事完成・開通 | The widening of 4.25 km of tbe National Rd., Route 16 (Kumagawa, Fussa City to Ishihata, Mizuho Town) was completed and opened. |
| 6 | 地籍調査課にコンピュータ(数値地籍管理システム)導入 | A computer system (numerical cadastral management system) was introduced to the Cadastral Survey Department. |
| 〃 | 牛肉・オレンジ輸入自由化 | Liberalization of beef and orange imports. |
| 11 | 一億円を全国市町村に交付 | One hundred million yen was issued to every Japanese city, town and village. |
64年(1989) | 1 | 昭和天皇崩御 | Emperor Showa passed away. |
平成元年(1989) | 2 | 大喪の礼 | | The Emperor's funeral rites were held. |
| 3 | 立川バス箱根ヶ崎駅から羽村駅東口(長岡経由)誕生 | Tachikawa bus service was started between Hakonegasaki Station and Hamura Station east exit (via Nagaoka). |
| 〃 | 国道16号線、瑞穂バイパス(石畑~青梅街道)1.8㎞開通 | Mizuho bypass (1.8 km between Ishihata and Ome Kaido Rd.) of National Route 16 was opened. |
| 4 | 狭山火葬場組合が瑞穂斎場組合に改称 | Sayama Crematorium Association was renamed to Mizuho Funeral Parlour Association. |
| 5 | 3万人目の町民誕生 | Birth of the 30,000 th inhabitant |
| 10 | 全国瑞穂町交流会発足 | National friendship exchange meeting of Mizuho Towns was inaugurated |
2年(1990) | 6 | 礼宮親王が川嶋紀子さんと結婚 | Prince Ayanomiya's marriage to Miss Kiko Kawashima. |
| 9 | 瑞穂ビューパーク・スカイホール完成 | Mizuho View Park Sky Hall completed |