新しい時代をめざしてTowards a New Era

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 昭和60年代にはいって、各種の施設の整備充実がさらに進行しています。 In the 60s of Showa (1985-1989), further progress was made in developing and improving various facilities.
 狭山池公園の開園に続いて、瑞穂ビューパーク整備事業に着手し、平成2年度に完成をみました。これは、1000人収容の大ホールと300人収容の小ホールや会議室を持つ文化センターと、サッカーなどもできる陸上競技場、ジョギングコース、あずまや、池などからなる総合施設で、4年計画で事業が進められたものです。 Following the opening of the Sayama Pond Park, we embarked upon the Mizuho View Park development project, which was completed in the 1990 fiscal year. This complex facility boasts a cultural center, an athletic stadium and a park, all developed under a four-year plan. The cultural center's large hall seats 1000, a small, 300-seat hall and meeting rooms. The stadium can also be used for soccer, etc., and the park has a jogging trail, a pavilion, and a pond.
 下水道の普及も進み、心ふれあう環境づくりの一環であるアメニティトイレも設置されています。 With the sewer system also expanding, the installation of a full-amenity restroom added to the quality of communal life.
 瑞穂町の人口は、平成元年5月に3万人を超えました。 The population of Mizuho exceeded 30,000 in May, 1989.
 「町づくり総合計画」は平成2年度が終了年。これを引き継ぎ、瑞穂町の新しい時代をめざして、第2次長期総合計画の策定が進められています。 The fiscal period of 1990 was the final year for "The comprehensive town development plan". To take this forward, we are drawing up the second long-term comprehensive development plan to forge a new era for Mizuho.


Sayama Pond Park opened

Ceremony at which the Mizuho Towns across Japan signed their friendship exchange agreement
(The first year of Heisei, 1989)

Completion of the rainwater main pipe line of the public sewer, "Nagaoka No. 2"

Full-amenity restroom completed

Birth of the 30,000 th inhabitant

Mizuho View Park completed

Year (CE)

内  容Contents
昭和60年(1985)4防災行政無線固定系開局Emergency broadcast system began operation.
5町おこし運動実施Town revitalization movement was carried out.
男女雇用機会均等法成立The Equal Employment Opportunity Law established.
6瑞穂町行政改革審議会設置Installation of Mizuho Administrative Reform Council.
61年(1986)2マルコス政権崩壊Marcos regime collapsed in the Philippines.
3瑞穂町行政改革大綱を策定 Mizuho administrative reform outline was drawn up.
都市計画道路2.3.2号御伊勢山通り線新青梅街道まで開通The Ise-dori route of the City Planning Road No. 2.3.2 connect to New Ome Kaido Road.
4狭山池公園開園Sayama Pond Park Opened.
第三小学校学童保育クラブ開所The Third Elementary School After-School Child Care Club Opened.
箱根ヶ崎西会館開館Hakonegasaki West Hall opened
チェルノブイリ原発事故Chernobyl nuclear accident occurred.
5東京サミットTokyo Summit.
7図書館にコンピュータ導入The library’s computer system was introduced
12防衛費が、GPN1%枠を突破 The defense budget exceeded the ceiling limit of 1% of GNP.
62年(1987)3瑞穂町行政改革審議会答申Mizuho Town Administrative Reform Council report.
4駒形公園開園 Komagata Park Opened.
レーガン・ゴルバチョフ会談Reagan-Gorbachev talks were held.
5瑞穂町通所訓練所開所Opening of the Mizuho Day Care Training Center for the handicapped.
9瑞穂町交通安全の町宣言議決Mizuho's declaration for town traffic safety was voted in.
11御伊勢山運動公園着手Mt. O-Ise Sports Park construction started.
12国鉄分割・民営化、JRグループ発足Japanese National Railways was broken up and privatized, followed by the establishment of Japan Railway (JR) group
63年(1988)2殿ヶ谷会館に図書室開設Library opened in Tonogaya Hall
3福生伝染病組合廃止The Infectious Diseases Association linked to Fussa Hospital. was dissolved.
アメニティトイレ完成(町営グランド)Full-amenity restroom was completed (Municipal Sports Ground).
4第二小学校学童保育クラブ開所The Second Elementary School After-School Child Care Club Opened.
5国道16号線(福生市熊川~瑞穂町石畑)4.25㎞拡幅工事完成・開通The widening of 4.25 km of tbe National Rd., Route 16 (Kumagawa, Fussa City to Ishihata, Mizuho Town) was completed and opened.
6地籍調査課にコンピュータ(数値地籍管理システム)導入A computer system (numerical cadastral management system) was introduced to the Cadastral Survey Department.
牛肉・オレンジ輸入自由化Liberalization of beef and orange imports.
11一億円を全国市町村に交付One hundred million yen was issued to every Japanese city, town and village.
64年(1989)1昭和天皇崩御Emperor Showa passed away.
平成元年(1989)2大喪の礼The Emperor's funeral rites were held.
3立川バス箱根ヶ崎駅から羽村駅東口(長岡経由)誕生Tachikawa bus service was started between Hakonegasaki Station and Hamura Station east exit (via Nagaoka).
国道16号線、瑞穂バイパス(石畑~青梅街道)1.8㎞開通Mizuho bypass (1.8 km between Ishihata and Ome Kaido Rd.) of National Route 16 was opened.
4狭山火葬場組合が瑞穂斎場組合に改称Sayama Crematorium Association was renamed to Mizuho Funeral Parlour Association.
53万人目の町民誕生Birth of the 30,000 th inhabitant
10全国瑞穂町交流会発足National friendship exchange meeting of Mizuho Towns was inaugurated
2年(1990)6礼宮親王が川嶋紀子さんと結婚Prince Ayanomiya's marriage to Miss Kiko Kawashima.
9瑞穂ビューパーク・スカイホール完成Mizuho View Park Sky Hall completed