話し合いましょうLet's discuss things with each other

12 ~ 13 / 137ページ

 地図をもとに学校のまわりの様子を話し合いましょう。 Let's look at the map and talk about the area around the school.

 できあがった絵地図を見て,学校のまわりの様子(ようす)で気づいたことを話し合いました。 We looked at the completed map and we talked about what we noticed about the area surrounding the school.

「一小の西がわには箱根ケ崎駅(はこねがさきえき)があって,お店が多くあるね。」"On the west side of No. 1 Elementary is Hakonegasaki Station and lots of stores."

「一小の南がわには,畑が多くあるね。」"There are a lot of fields to the south of No. 1 Elementary."

What to discuss
・What kind of areas have lots of houses?
・What kind of buildings are there a lot of near stations and large roads?
・Where are a lot of the fields?

色で分けたところColor-separated areas
家の多いところAreas with lots of houses・・・・・
お店の多いところAreas with lots of stores・・・・・
畑の多いところAreas with lots of fields・・・・・
そのほか(とくべつなたて物)Other (special buildings)・・・・・

Teacher"When drawing a map, north should be towards the top.""There seems to be a lot of stores near stations and large roads."
"It's easier to draw and understand if you use map symbols.""It's easier to see if things are different colors."