一小のまわりAround No. 1 Elementary

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 一小のまわりは,どうなっているか,調(しら)べましょう。 Let's find out what the area surrounding No. 1 Elementary is like.

 瑞穂町の中心に,JR(じぇいあーる)八高線の箱根ケ崎駅(はこねがさきえき)があります。朝夕は通きんや通学の人たちがたくさん利用(りよう)します。 Hakonegasaki on the JR Hachiko Line is located in the center of Mizuho. A lot of people use the station in the morning and evening to get to and from work and school.
 一小の近くには,町役場(まちやくば)やスカイホール,図書館(かん)など,町のしせつがたくさんあります。 There are a lot of town facilities near No. 1 Elementary such as the town hall, Sky Hall, and the library.
 また,青梅街道(おうめかいどう)や旧日光街道(きゅうにっこうかいどう)にそって,店がならんでいます。 Stores line Ome-Kaido Avenue and Kyu-Nikko Kaido.
 狭山池(さやまいけ)は,みんなの楽しい公園です。ここの水はわき水で,残堀川(ざんぼりがわ)をへて,多摩川(たまがわ)へと流(なが)れています。 Sayama Pond is part of a park that everyone can enjoy. This is a spring-fed pond and flows into the Tama River via Zambori River.

Rain water that seeped into land in high areas such as mountains flow underground and come out in places with lower elevation.

Sayama Pond
Hakonegasaki Shopping Street
Town hall
Hakonegasaki Station