三小のまわりAround No. 3 Elementary

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 三小のまわりは,どうなっているか,調(しら)べましょう。 Let's find out what the area around No. 3 Elementary is like.

 狭山茶(さやまちゃ)は,全国(ぜんこく)でも有名(ゆうめい)なお茶です。三小の近くには,狭山茶を作る茶畑(ばたけ)がたくさんあります。 Sayama tea is famous nationwide. There are lots of tea fields near No. 3 Elementary that grow Sayama tea.
 また,むかしから牛やにわとりをかっている農家(のうか)のほかに,新しい住たくもふえています。 In addition to farmers that have raised cows and chickens for many years, there are also an increasing number of new houses.
 ここは,国道16号(ごう)が通り,たくさんの車が一日中,走っています。 This is National Route 16. A lot of cars travel along the road all day long.
 また,国道16号からおくまった所(ところ)には,「耕心館(こうしんかん)」や町えい少年サッカー場があります。 Off National Route 16 is the Koshinkan Hall and the Municipal Youth Soccer Field.

Koshinkan Hall
A facility where people can hold small events such as concerts and art exhibits.

Tea field
Koshinkan Hall
Municipal Youth Soccer Field
National Route 16