スーパーマーケットの見学の計画を立てましょう。 | Let's plan a visit to a supermarket. |
あきらさんは,おうちの人といっしょに,スーパーマーケットに買い物(もの)に行くと,たくさんのお客さんがいるので,びっくりしました。 | When Akira went shopping at the supermarket with his family, he was surprised that there were so many customers. |
どうしてお客さんが多く来るのか,わけをみんなで話し合いました。 | Everyone discussed why there were a lot of customers. |
"Maybe it's because you can pick whatever you want and put it in your basket and shop freely." | "I think it's because there are a lot of products and you can buy a lot of different things at once." | "Maybe because you can go in your car and so you're able to carry it all home even if you buy a lot." | "Perhaps it's because there are a lot of fresh products." |
よく行くスーパーのひみつを調(しら)べに行ってみましょう。 | Let's go find out the secret of the supermarket where we often go shopping. |
次(つぎ)に,じっさいにスーパーマーケットを調べる計画を立ててみました。 | Next, we created a plan to actually research a supermarket. |
[お客さんが来るひみつを予想(よそう)しよう。] | [Let's predict the secret to attracting a lot of customers.] |
・ねだんが安いから ・いろんなものが一度に買えるから。 | ・Because we can buy at a lower price. ・Because you can buy a lot of different things at once. |
[どうやって調べたらいいか。] | [How do we find that out?] |
・ねだんをよく見てくる。 ・どんなものを売っているかしらべる。 | ・Check the prices carefully. ・See what kind of products they sell. |
見学メモを作ろう Let's create observation memos. |
お店に行く時のやくそくを決(き)めよう。 調べたことは,しっかりとメモしておこう。 | Let's create rules for when we go to the store. Let's write down what we find out. |
先生から | From the teacher | |
・店の人やお客さんのめいわくにならないようにしよう。 | ・Try not to inconvenience the people who work at the store and the customers. | |
・大きな声でおしゃべりをしないようにしよう。 | ・Let's keep our voices down. | |
・ちゅう車場では車に注意(ちゅうい)しよう。 | ・Let's watch out for cars in the parking lot. | |
・交通の決まりをよく守(まも)ろう。 | ・Let's follow traffic rules. |
見学メモの作り方のれい | An example of an observation memo |