大きなショッピングセンターA large shopping center

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 三小の近くの国道16号(ごう)ぞいに大きなショッピングセンターがあります。 Near No. 3 Elementary, there is a large shopping center located on National Route 16.
 ちゅう車場には,車がおよそ2000台も,止められます。 Approximately 2,000 cars can park in the parking lot.
 箱根ケ崎駅(はこねがさきえき),羽村駅(はむらえき),入間市駅(いるましえき)からむりょうシャトルバスの送(おく)りむかえもあります。 There are also free shuttle buses from Hakonegasaki, Hamura, and Iruma-shi stations.

A parking lot that holds a lot of cars.
Shuttle bus.

いろいろな品物(しなもの)がそろっている70い上のせん門店(もんてん)Over 70 specialty stores that sell a variety of products.
 「一度(ど)でひつような買い物をすませることができて助かるわ。」 "It's great because I can buy everything I need at once."
 「家族全員(かぞくぜんいん)がそれぞれお気に入りのせん門店で買い物を楽しめるんだ。」 "Each member of the family can enjoy shopping at the store of their choice."
 「野菜(さい)はさん地から毎朝運(はこ)んでくるから新せんです。」 "The vegetables are fresh because they're brought in from the farms every morning."

"What kind of efforts and actions do they take?"いろいろな品物をあつかう専門店
Specialty stores that sell a variety of products.

からだのふ自由(ゆう)な方も安心(あんしん)して買い物ができるようなサービスServices that allow disabled people to shop with peace of mind.
 売り場は,だんさがなく車いすが通りやすくなっています。 The sales floor is level, making it easy for wheelchairs to move around.

Wheelchair rentals
Parking lot for the disabled.
Shopping attendant service

かんきょうほごやリサイクルの取り組みEnvironmental protection and recycling efforts
 回しゅうボックスで,さい利用(りよう)できる資源(しげん)を回しゅうしたり,お店からでる生ゴミをきかいでひりょうにかえたりしています。店内を見学しながらかんきょうについて学習(しゅう)する・「エコ・ニコ学習会」を行っています。 Collection boxes are set up to collect reusable materials. Machines are also used to convert raw waste from the store into fertilizer. The store also holds a "Happy Eco Workshops" where people learn about the environment while walking around and observing the store.

Collection box
Happy Eco Workshop application

 調(しら)べたい売り場を見学して,新聞にまとめてみよう。 Observe the sales floor you want to learn more about and then organize the results in a newspaper.