買い物新聞にまとめてみましょうOrganize a shopping newspaper

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新聞の書き方How to write a newspaper
①紙の向(む)き(たてか横(よこ))を決(き)めよう。① Decide on which way the paper will face (vertical or horizontal).
②題名(だいめい)を決めよう。② Decide on a title.
③だん組を決めよう。(3だんくらいがいいです。)③ Decide on the number of columns (three is preferred).
④どんなことをのせるか決めよう。(4~5つくらい考えているとまとめやすいです。)④ Decide on what you want to put in the paper (around three to four topics are easy to organize).
⑤見出し文を考えよう。⑤ Decide on a headline.
⑥見出し文のあとに少し小さくせつめいの文を書こう。⑥ Write an explanation in slightly smaller letters below the headline.
⑦ ⑤・⑥をくり返(かえ)して作っていこう。⑦ Repeat ⑤ and ⑥ to create a newspaper.
⑧イラストやまんが・写真(しゃしん)をいれて見やすく作ってみよう。⑧ Make the paper easier to see by using illustrations, comics, and photos.
⑨ As a summary, write down your thoughts on what you learned (what you learned or felt).
*This is the most important point.