シクラメン温室(おんしつ)の見学A tour of a cyclamen greenhouse

46 ~ 47 / 137ページ

 温室の中の様子(ようす)をくわしく見学してみましょう。 Let's look more closely at the inside of the greenhouse.

 温室に見学に行くと,きれいな花がさいていました。回りを見わたすといろいろな物(もの)がありました。 There were a lot of pretty flowers that were blooming when we toured the greenhouse. There were a lot of things we could see when we looked around.

A sunscreen that blocks strong sunlight.
A fan that blows cool wind.

Lights that allow growers to work at night.
A machine that automatically waters the flowers.

Talking to a man growing cyclamens.
The greenhouse allows me to work regardless of whether it is rainy or windy outside, and it is also warm in the winter. But I take measures to prevent the temperature from rising too high in the summer.
 スプリンクラーで水を温室にかけたり,せん風きで風を取(と)り入れたり,日よけまくをかけたりしています。 I spray water on the greenhouse using a sprinkler, blow air in using a fan, and use sunscreens.
 一年間たいへんな思いをして育(そだ)てたシクラメンがさき,お客(きゃく)さんが買いに来て,「おたくで買ったシクラメンがとても長くさきました。」と言ってくれるのがとてもうれしいです。I work hard all year to grow the cyclamens but it makes my very happy when customers come to buy them and say, "the cyclamens that I bought from you were in bloom for a very long time."

A boiler that heats up the greenhouse in the winter.
A anemometer (a device that measures wind speed) to protect the greenhouse from strong winds.