シクラメンは,どうやって育てるのでしょう。 | How are cyclamens grown? |
花の手入れ Taking care of the flowers | 売り出す Flowers put out for sale | ←去年(きょねん)のもの Last year's flowers | |
9cmポット 9cm flower pot | 9cm 15cm | ||
たねまき Planting seeds | めが出る Buds appear | 植えかえ1回目 First replanting | 植えかえ2回目 Second replanting |
11月 November | 12月 1月 December January | 2月 3月 4月 February March April | 5月 6月 May June |
来年のもの→ Next year's flowers | たねまき Planting seeds | めが出る Buds appear | |
15cm 18~24cm | |||
すずしくなるように さえぎる Create a shade to keep it cool | 植えかえ3回目仕上げ Third and final replanting | 花の手入れ Taking care of the flowers | 売り出す Flower put out for sale |
7月 8月 July August | 9月 10月 September October | 11月 November | 12月 December |
10月の終(お)わりに,箱(はこ)にたねをまいて,まっくらにしてめがでるのを待(ま)ちます。このころは,今年の花の仕上げと来年用のたねをまく仕事(しごと)の2つがあります。 | Seeds are planted in a box at the end of October and placed in the dark to wait for buds to appear. At this time of year we have two jobs of making final preparations for this year's flowers and planting seeds for next year. |
大きくなるにしたがって,大きなはちに植(う)えかえたり,虫がつかないように薬(くすり)をつけたりします。夏は暑(あつ)すぎないように,光をさえぎったり,冬は温室(おんしつ)であたためたりしながらえきひをあげます。12月ごろには,きれいな花がさきます。 | As the flowers grow bigger, we replant them into larger flower pots and spray them with pesticides to prevent bugs from eating and growing on them. In the summer, we block the sunlight to keep it from getting too hot, and in the winter we give them liquid fertilizer while heating up the greenhouse. Finally in around December, beautiful flowers start to bloom. |
えきひ 全体にひりょうがいきわたるように,水にとかしたひりょうのこと | Liquid fertilizer Fertilizer diluter in water so that the fertilizer can spread across the whole of the soil. |
植えかえをする人の話 箱にまいたたねから,めが出て大きくなると,9cmポットに,次に15cmのはちに,そしてさい後に仕上げ用の18cm~24cmのはちに三度(ど)も植えかえます。そのたびに病気(びょうき)になったり,虫がついたりしないように,薬をまいて,一(ひと)はちずつ水をあげるのが大へんです。夏は暑いので,とても大へんです。 | Talking to people who replant the flowers Once buds appear from the seeds that were planted in the box, they are replanted three times. The first time into a 9cm flower pot, then a 15cm flower pot, and lastly a final 18cm to 24 cm flower pot. We use pesticides each time we replant the flower to make sure they don't get sick and to prevent bugs from eating or growing on them. It's tough having to water each and every flower pot, and especially so in the hot summer. |
ポット なえを育てるためのビニールのかんたんな植え木ばちのこと。 | Flower pot A simple plastic flower pot used for growing seedlings |