人気のあるシクラメンPopular cyclamens

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 すばらしいシクラメンをせんでんするポスターをかいてみましょう。 Lets create a poster to advertise these outstanding cyclamens.

 瑞穂町(みずほまち)のシクラメンは,遠くからも買いに来るほど人気があります。 Mizuho cyclamens are so popular that people come from afar to buy them.

Talking to a person who came from Saitama
I come here every December to buy flowers. I love the cyclamens with their pretty pink flowers that bloom one after another in the winter. I also send them to my friends and grandmother who live out in the country.
 みんなによろこんでもらえるのでわたしたちもうれしくなります。この温室(おんしつ)からちょうど花がさくころに,直せつ送ってもらえるので助(たす)かります。 I feel happy because everybody loves them. It really helps because they ship them from this greenhouse just as the flowers are about to bloom.