ポスターをかいてみようLet's create a poster

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①せんでんしたい言葉(ことば)を決めます。① Decide on words you want to advertise.
②中心にかく絵を決(き)めます。② Decide on a drawing to draw in the center.
③あいたところにちょっとしたせつ明を書きます。③ Write a simple description in the open space.
※色画用紙を使(つか)うとバックをぬらないですみます。*You won't need to color in the background if you use colored construction paper.
※紙はたてでもよこでもいいです。*The paper can be vertical or horizontal.

① Write the words in large, noticeable letters. Use different kinds of colors and letter widths as well.
② A large, clear drawing makes it easy to see from far away.
③ A simple phrase can convey your feelings to people who see the poster.

"The one we drew by hand came out great and so did the one that we made on a computer. We can put photos in wherever we want."自分でかいたポスター
The poster we made by hand.
The poster we made on a computer.