「昔(むかし)発見カード」を作ろうLet's make a "Discover the Past Card"

62 ~ 62 / 137ページ

 自分の家や近所にある古い道具をさがしてみましょう。 Let's look for old tools in your own home and in the neighborhood.

 「昔発見カード」を作って,昔の人々のくらしぶりを調(しら)べ,クラスのみんなにしょうかいしましょう。 Let's make a "Discover the Past Card" and find out what life was like for people in the past to present to the class.

Let's paste drawings and photos of the tools.
Let's write down where you found them.
Let's find out more about the tools and write down what you thought.