![]() | What kind of things are there in Mizuho that have been here for a very long time? |
昔(むかし)のことを調(しら)べているうちに,古くからのこっているお地ぞうさまの話をおじいさんから聞くことができました。 | While we were finding out about the past, we got to hear about the ojizo statues that have been standing here for generations from an elderly man. |
![]() 瑞穂町(みずほまち)には,たくさんのお地ぞうさまがあります。これらのお地ぞうさまは,江戸時代(えどじだい)に作られたと聞きました。村の子どもたちが,元気よく育(そだ)つようにというねがいをこめて作られたのだそうです。 | Talking to an elderly man There are a lot of ojizo statues in Mizuho. I heard that they made these ojizo statues during the Edo period. They were built with the wish of having the children in the village grow up healthy. |
瑞穂町には,古くからつたわるものとして,お地ぞうさまだけでなく,お寺や神社(じんじゃ)などもたくさんあります。先生が,瑞穂町にあるお寺や神社などのたてものや大木の写真(しゃしん)を見せてくださいました。 | In addition to the ojizo statues, there are a lot of other things that have been passed down from the past such as many temples and shrines. Our teacher showed us photos of buildings such as temples and shrines, as well as large trees in Mizuho. |
![]() | What kind of things are there from the past that are still here? |