![]() | What kind of things, such as buildings and trees, have been passed down from the past? Let's find out more about their history. |
町のホームページなどを調(しら)べてみると,町の中にはたくさんの古いたてものや,昔から生えている大木などがあることがわかりました。 | When we look at the town's website, we learned that there are lots of old buildings in the town, as well as trees that have been growing here from a long time ago. |
「学校に来る時,毎日通るお寺は,とっても古いみたいだよ。」 | "The temple that I walk by every morning on the way to school is very old." |
「そのお寺に生えている大きな木は,いつから生えているのだろう。」 | "I wonder when the big tree on the temple grounds has been growing since?" |
ゆみ子さんたちは,昔からつたわるものについて調べてみることにしました。 | Yumiko decided to find out more about things that have been passed down from the past. |
![]() 耕心館は,江戸時代にたてられた古い家を,瑞穂町(みずほまち)のしせつとして整(ととの)えた社会教育しせつです。音楽会やこうえん会を開いたり,古い品々をてんじしたりして,町の人々の"心を耕す館(たがやすやかた)"になるように,という思いをこめて,耕心館と名付けられました。 | Talking to a person from Koshinkan Hall Koshinkan Hall is a social education facility of the town of Mizuho that was built by converting an old house that was constructed during the Edo period. It was named the Koshinkan Hall with the hope of "a hall that cultivates the spirits" of the townspeople by exhibiting old items and through the holding of music and theater events. |